Preaching New IFB


Reposting Sermons from " New Independent Fundamental Baptist ( New IFB ) " Churches and Related Content. --- Also check these Churches out on their YouTube channels: - Faithful Word Baptist Church : - First Works Baptist Church : - Verity Baptist Church : - Mountain Baptist Church : - Strong Hold Baptist Church :

OCD, HOCD, Intrusive Thoughts & How To Rewire The Brain!


To heal, it is invaluable to have detail knowledge of how we are put together before we expect favourable results when trying to fix it! We Discuss the matters of life including topics such as We will discuss consciousness, how thoughts and thinking come to be, fear, desire, anxiety, and life in present moment versus the past or the illusive future, their differences, common grounds, bases and illusory perceptions versus the actuality of the present moments, other interesting topics, discussions such as OCD, subsets of OCD (HOCD), topics helpful in facing/ handling / managing the day to day challenges, worthy of pondering. Mehran Dadbeh Author "Me,My Psyche & I" #Breakup #Brain #intrusive #Breakup #thoughts #OCD