Info Worm


Here are some deleted videos that corporate entities decided you shouldn't be able to see. Also be sure to check out my Hook Worm channel featuring over 1000 Sandy Hook investigation videos previously scrubbed from the internet. Help bring awareness to the lies of Sandy Hook with Sandy Hook Hoax token! (must have Algorand in your own personal Algo wallet) Come tweet at me, bro. Come hang out in my Discord server, Frigsy's Funhouse!

Hook Worm


Archiving the controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting. Over 1000 video's and counting, majority of which had previously been scrubbed from the internet. Help bring awareness to the lies of Sandy Hook with Sandy Hook Hoax token! (must have Algorand in your own personal Algo wallet) Come tweet at me, bro. Come hang out in my Discord server, Frigsy's Funhouse! Be sure to check out Info Worm for deleted video's on all sorts of other things! :)

Overlooked, Unknown, Forgotten and Obscure Earworms


EARWORM [From Wikipedia]: An earworm or brainworm, also described as sticky music or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy or memorable piece of music or saying that continuously occupies a person's mind even after it is no longer being played or spoken about. The choices posted here will be all over the map, but, in my estimation, shine a light on great songs that the world has missed, overlooked or has long since forgotten about. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and if you have a suggestion, please feel free to make a comment.