Nicholas Veniamin Verified


Nicholas Veniamin, born London, UK on 17 March 1990, is a British independent journalist reporting news and opinions that the mainstream media fail to report due to their propaganda efforts. Nicholas began his passion and search for truth when he abandoned his top performing grades as a Law student after learning that his law school had compromised their human rights teachings during the 2020 pandemic. Nicholas then lost faith and confidence in the system and began to follow his truth in the political arena. Nicholas does not follow a left or right wing but rather advocates and supports the freedoms and human rights of all individuals. Nicholas Veniamin founded the show “NVTV” where he hosts interviews for those cancelled voices. Nicholas’s mission is to create a super power media machine where the truth will be told by whistleblowers and humanitarian individuals who wish to expose the truth for the betterment of humanity and our world. “When you wake people up we all become on the same side” - Nicholas Veniamin

Speak Truth Without Fear


This Show Brings Conservative Voices Together From All Industries Such As Actors, Music Producers, Artists, Film Makers, Journalists, Dancers, Athletes and Social Media Influencers. They Come Together In A Panel Style Discussion To Inspire Individuals To Be Courageous and Voice Their Beliefs and Values. Topics Range From Current Issues In The Areas Of Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Second Amendment, Immigration, Mainstream Media, Faith, Racial Divide, Environmental Health and Much Much More. Tune in Tuesday-Friday Morning. Also check out more of what we\\\'re doing on

Nichola Veniamin Repost


Nicholas Veniamin, born London, UK on 17 March 1990, is a British independent journalist reporting news and opinions that the mainstream media fail to report due to their propaganda efforts. Nicholas began his passion and search for truth when he abandoned his top performing grades as a Law student after learning that his law school had compromised their human rights teachings during the 2020 pandemic. Nicholas then lost faith and confidence in the system and began to follow his truth in the political arena. Nicholas does not follow a left or right wing but rather advocates and supports the freedoms and human rights of all individuals.