Watchdog on Wall Street


Christopher Markowski has carried the titles of Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host, columnist, frequent CNN Contributor, financial planner and author. He called the Freddie Mac Fannie Mae Bailout, dot com bust, the demise of Enron, the oil speculation bubble and the real estate collapse. Christopher is the antithesis of what Wall Street has become; he believes that financial planning is a profession, not a vehicle for selling as many ridiculous financial products as possible. His clear-cut, honest approach is in complete contrast with the fabrication and deception that individual investors are exposed to every day.

Little Dogs Rapture-Watch Dogs


Welcome to the Little Dogs Rapture-Watch Dogs Rumble channel. This channel aims to keep you informed about the book of Revelation. Join Tag Barker and Scooch Pooch as your guides on this journey to understand what the world will be like when Jesus Christ returns. I am not a prophet, just someone eager to help you connect with Jesus before it's too late. If you're ready to commit your life to Jesus, please hit the Follow button below. Are you prepared for an adventure? Let’s get started!