Survival Dispatch Verified


THE TRUTH IS A FOOTNOTE, FIND IT HERE Join Survival Dispatch News as we navigate the challenges of Urban Survival through the lens of Christian warriors, equipping you with the skills & mindset needed to thrive in these uncertain times. On Dec 15th, 2023 YouTube disabled the video sync connection to Rumble. None of our survival/prepping videos were synced to our Rumble channel after that point. From July 18th, 2024 forward only our news videos are posted on our Rumble channel. Our survival/prepping videos remain on YouTube at this point in time. On July 24th, 2024 YouTube suspended our news channel for violating their medical misinformation policy by stating 5G towers emit microwave radiation, which is 100% true. No scientist (or person with half a brain) will argue against this fact because 5G frequencies fall in the bands of microwave radiation. This is simply not up for debate. It does however show how evil the Technocrats are at Google and YouTube. It’s also a good example of how they actively suppress the truth on topics that go against their narratives. Thank you for following Survival Dispatch and thank you for supporting our sponsors. When you support our sponsors it allows us to bring you more high quality content.

titus le naturel vivant créditeur


Bonjour a tous les naturels vivants. 🖐 🔵La Fraude au nom légal, ou comment les états, et la république française, nous a transformé dès notre naissance, en objet/personne qu’elle peut gérer, emprisonner, voler, taxer, frapper … La personnalité juridique est le boulet à la cheville du vivant naturel qui nous a rendu esclave. Ce n’est pas de la philosophie mais la Loi et la réalité. ➡La fraude au nom légal, de quoi s'agit-il? (fraude nom propre, la fraude au nom, fraude du nom légal, fraude du nom, fraude au nom légal la fraude au nom légal) 🔵Une personne est une fiction juridique. ➡Une personne doit payer des impôts. ✔Un naturel vivant ne paye pas d’impôts. ➡Une personne doit payer des amendes. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas d’amende. ➡Une personne juridique est le contribuable de l'état et paye ses transports, ses péages, l’eau ainsi que l’électricité. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas les transports, les péages, l’eau, l’électricité, et cela n’est pas une fraude!



The Vivaldi channel on Rumble is a platform dedicated to sharing and promoting classical music, with a particular focus on the works of Antonio Vivaldi. This channel features a variety of performances of Vivaldi's works, including concerts, recitals, and recordings, by different orchestras, soloists, and ensembles from around the world. The channel also offers educational content on Vivaldi's life and music, including his compositional style, influences, and contributions to the development of classical music. Viewers can learn about the historical context of Vivaldi's music and the instruments commonly used in Baroque music, which are featured prominently in Vivaldi's works. Additionally, the channel includes discussions and analysis of Vivaldi's music, which offers a deeper understanding of the composer and his works. By delving into the musical nuances and intricacies of Vivaldi's compositions, viewers can gain a greater appreciation for classical music. Moreover, the Vivaldi channel on Rumble also features modern adaptations of Vivaldi's music, such as contemporary arrangements and fusion collaborations with other genres of music. These adaptations demonstrate the continued relevance of Vivaldi's music in modern times and showcase the versatility of his compositions. Overall, the Vivaldi channel on Rumble is an excellent platform for classical music enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the timeless works of one of the greatest composers in classical music history.