Ricardo Médium


Depuis des années j\'ai reçu des messages sous forme de rêves, de visions, de méditations. Je ne crois qu’en un seul Dieu unique d’Amour et libre de tout dogmes religieux, de toute obédience. Ces derniers temps, j’ai vu se manifester dans le monde des messages que j’avais reçus par le passé. J’ai donc décidé de créer cette chaîne d’information, pour partager les prochains. Les messages pourront parfois sembler dur à encaisser, mais le but qui me motive à faire ça, est de vous amener à vous réveiller par vous-même. Je ne me considère pas comme un guide, je suis juste un transmetteur. J’aborderais plusieurs sujets, je ferais une analyse de l’actualité d’un point de vue spirituel, je transmettrais des prédictions, et je vous donnerais des outils pour aller vers votre vraie réalité spirituelle. L’Amour est plus grand que tout et toutes les vidéos reposent sur ce principe immuable qu’est l’Amour. Ne me croyez pas sur parole, les événement à venir s’imposeront d’eux-mêmes. Merci.

Sarah Adamson, Psychic Medium


Hi! My name is Sarah, a coffee-drinking Tea Leaf Reader, Psychic Medium, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher I do offer private readings! If you would like to schedule a reading, kindly email me or visit my website contact page. Thank you! I began publicly reading in 2010, first tea leaf readings & then also psychic medium readings. I strive to live following Divine guidance & now feel the need to share this content. My intention is to offer help & insight by sharing (tea leaf) readings, discussions & more based on current energies & related topics. Thank you for joining me for this journey together! PLEASE NOTE *These readings are general so you may find they somewhat apply to you or not at all My Videos are *For entertainment purposes only & NOT intended to replace ANY form of advice or treatment. Always consult professionals as needed *NOT intended as factual *NOT a decision-making replacement. If you watch my videos I am not responsible for your thoughts/actions in ANY way/area of life.

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Physical Trance Medium PsychicGavin


psychicgavin@icloud.com 07769 727272 www.psychicgavin.online/ www.facebook.com/psychicgavin/ PsychicGavin is a Physical & Trance Medium and Events Medium in both the Paranormal and for Mediumship Demonstrations, he has clients worldwide. He is also a Spirit Artist, Exorcist, Seichem Master, Reiki Master, Shamanic & Spiritual Healer and can provide Psychic Surgery, Cord Cutting, Soul Retrieval (also Reiki Master for Animals) and Hypnotherapy. He has extensive qualifications in order to help others on their Development Path and is qualified in Hypnosis, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Dowsing, Numerology, Soul Mates & Twin Flames, Soul Blueprints, Animal Spirit Totems, Moonology, Scrying, Channelling, Dragon & Dragon Energy, Unicorn & Unicorn Energy, Psychic & Mediumship Development, Meditation Teaching, Pineal Gland Activation, Chakra & Aura Healing, Ayurveda, Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Capturing & Analysing Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Demonology and Hoodoo (providing Exorcisms/Clearances & Curse/Spell Breaking). Psychic Gavin has been fortunate to work in all areas of Spirituality, Mediumship and the Paranormal and has been in front of many a camera capturing his abilities. His aim is to Educate and Inform those that have an interest on how to deal with the Universe’s connecting energies; whether this is through one-on-one discussions or readings, clearances, on-stage performances or just simply walking with you on one his Paranormal Events. Some of PsychicGavin’s work and experiences have been deliberately hidden from public view; both for those wishing his work to remain silent and indeed for a lot of you, your own sanity, this is because it is often impossible for people to come to terms with the realities of what really happens at the extreme areas of his work. A little bit from Gavin “Apart from my obvious passion for working with spirit, I am also passionate about working with and helping people, whether that be passing well needed messages from loved ones, assisting others to sense and feel spirit to aiding others developing themselves, I believe developing never ends when on a spiritual path and enjoy learning which also bridges the gap to spirit more and more, I also really enjoy discussions and helping other sensitives, psychics and mediums to expand their own abilities, I am very approachable and always contactable replying to every point of contact myself.”