Discover Crypto Verified


Discover Crypto is the place where you can get the latest crypto news, project reviews, and cryptocurrency trading advice. Learn about different altcoins, historical Bitcoin cycles, & get the latest Ethereum news. Come be part of our community which we call the BitSquad. DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that I am not a professional advisor in business areas involving finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and commodities trading, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "BitBoy Crypto" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "BitBoy Crypto" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available.

Prophetic Dreams and Visions from my lovely Jesus


This channel is dedicated to my lovely Jesus Christ and is meant to glorify Father God & Him, to share the gift of Salvation and sound His warnings through prophetic dreams, visions and words from my lovely Jesus Christ. This site, videos, and all such like pertaining directly or indirectly to the My Lovely Jesus Ministry and all information provided in this description box of information, links, and invitations are not open to, or available in all God's knowledge and existence to demons, fallen angels, and all the kingdom of darkness. All who have entered prior before this notice your invitation/s and access for all mentioned places, things, and such like contained here including all other of the My Lovely Jesus Ministry sites, texts and such like are permanently revoked with all privileges suspended in Jesus Christ's Name. This is your official notice you are hereby expelled in Jesus Christ's Name. This is non-negotiable, non-arguable, non-changeable, unable to be resisted, cannot be disobeyed, ignored, it's irrevocable (Job 22:28; Philippians 2:9-11; Ephesians 1:20-22) or any other such like that Father God has in His knowledge. By command and authority given to me by Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19; Matthew 18:18; James 4:7; Isaiah 54:17; 55:11) Comments will be deleted by trollers, those trying to cause confusion & strife, those who are disrespectful to all on this site, the use of vulgarity, and those who want to contend about the Holy Word of God. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ. God bless.

Verse Visionaries Verified


Welcome to our channel! We're all about exploring Bible stories and diving into the Word together through Bible study three times a week. Our goal is to deepen your understanding of Jesus and inspire you in your daily walk with Him. Whether you're looking for Bible recaps, uplifting sermons, or some motivation from the NIV, we’re here to support your spiritual journey. As fellow believers, we share practical wisdom and encouragement to help you live a WWJD lifestyle. Come join us as we grow in faith and discover the richness of God’s Word together! Like and follow us for more videos and streams! If you'd like to support our work, you can visit our shop or make a small donation at

Greek Orthodox Christian Television


Description GOCTV is dedicated to presenting programs produced from a Traditional Greek Orthodox Christian perspective. The programs are Produced & Directed by Certain Romans of the Old World Order. The Resistance to the Ecumenism, and Secularism of the New World Order is the Holy Tradition of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Join the Resistance. GOCTV is not affiliated with any Church jurisdiction. The Producers are from various jurisdictions. Although acknowledging his contributions we do not endorse John S. Romanides - a clergyman who represented Ecumenist jurisdictions at the syncretistic World Council of Churches. He authored articles questioning the Orthodoxy of Saints of the Church, and calling Orthodox those whom the Church has anathematized as heretics. We reject un-Orthodox actions/statements of his, and while certain of his writings are examined in our programs, we do not endorse his writings, or actions in toto. Programs with a (G) before the title are in GREEK

Amazing Discoveries


Amazing Discoveries ™ is a registered non-profit organization in Canada and the US (501c3) committed to exposing deceptions and errors in the religious realm, history, science, media, and health. We accomplish this mission through seminars around the world, as well as through publications and broadcasting via internet, radio, and television. Our material attempts to provide life-changing information and to reveal evidence that allows people to make better decisions for their lives.

Rediscovering Walt Disney


Rediscovering Walt Disney and his creations & Rescuing, Recovering, Reclaiming, & Restoring his works from Woke Disney. This channel exists to shine a light on Walt Disney, his legacy, and his numerous contributions to American culture and to create awareness of his many creations. Here you will find his early cartoons, film trailers, radio shows, interviews, audio recreations of his actual written words, obscure television specials, and other historical examples of Walt Disney history and his creative endeavors. It is our hope that this will cause understanding and appreciation for Walt Disney and his impact on our culture and the world by curating this collection documenting the history of his studio as it was. We also have included some vintage films documenting some of the people who collaborated with Walt because it's important average people are aware of the talented men and women who helped make Walt's visions into realities. Only by understanding the past can we hope to reclaim and restore the future. Videos are posted for historical purposes only. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company. Some of the rare, historical audio and visuals contained herein are the sole property of the Walt Disney Company. These are historical enthusiast-compiled and no copyright infringement is intended nor are any of these videos sold for a profit. By creating awareness of these rare materials, we hope that the Walt Disney Company will make these historic materials officially available for all to enjoy again. This is the sort of content that should have its own section on Disney+. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Please consider a donation to our Give/Send/Go so that we may continue to acquire more historical content from Walt Disney history to shine a light on. Thank you.

Kay and Olu Taiwo


Welcome to our channel! Thank you for stopping by. It is our prayer that the messages on this channel will bless and empower you to make a difference in your world. Our Mission: To train, equip, motivate, and empower men and women for successful living through image building, identity, vision, and purpose based ministry... About Kay and Olu Taiwo Identical twins, Kay and Olu Taiwo are international speakers, ministers, consultants, featured authors, and licensed Pharmacists. With over 20 years of speaking experience, their ministry has impacted audiences in the Ukraine, Nigeria, England, Philippines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, and across the United States of America. They conduct Vision, Identity, & Purpose (VIP) Seminars. They are blazing a trail around the world in the mobile app industry and are reaching thousands of people by promoting biblical literacy through mobile technology.

Ai Visionary


Welcome to AI Visionary 🎬 Get ready for an exciting journey where AI and creativity collide! Here, we explore the exciting world of action-adventures, all brought to life through cutting-edge AI technology. 💥💪 🔥 What to expect🔥 Adrenaline-pumping content: From heart-pounding chases to daring escapes, our videos are designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Innovative storytelling: Experience unique narratives crafted with the power of AI and push the boundaries of imagination and entertainment. New videos every day: Join us every Wednesday for fresh content that will ignite your passion for adventure!

O.D.D Truth-A-Vision


Hey there. I go by O.D.D & I am a Rapper/Producer of 20+ Years with an insatiable appetite for truth. This world is not what you think. Unless you think it's a cesspool of satanic ped0phile$ & elite secret societies hellbent on enslaving humanity, then, in that case, you'd be 100% correct. What's happening in the world today is by design & we are being led into a one-world order where all we survey will be ruthlessly controlled by a single entity. Not to be confused with the new world order that we find ourselves in currently. Right now we maintain the illusion of choice as free-range humans. When we enter the one world order, choice will be removed from the equation & freedom will be completely nonexistent. My goal at ODD TV is to awaken as many people as I can to the many deceptions taking place before us with my videos & my unfiltered music. I want to build an army of truth warriors who are prepared for what's coming. - O.D.D (Out to Dismantle Deception) (Outlaw Demon Destroyer)

Vivek Ramaswamys Vision


If you were inspired and want to SUPPORT Vivek's 2024 Presidential Campaign, you can DONATE through this affiliate link: - These videos aim to spread the message and unite people around shared values and a common purpose during these divided times. - If any part resonated with you, please like, subscribe and share! - Vivek is running on a platform of reviving national identity, strengthening citizenship, standing up to China, and reducing bureaucracy. - Check out his campaign website to learn more about his vision for America's future: - We aim to shed light on his transformative ideas, policies, and the grassroots movement that define his journey. - Let's stand together in championing a transparent and informed democratic process! - VR's Official Rumble: - VR's Official YouTube: - VR’s Socials: Twitter - @VivekGRamaswamy Instagram - @vivekgramaswamy Facebook - @VivekGRamaswamy Truth Social - @VivekRamaswamy Rumble - @VivekRamaswamy

Discovering the Jewish Jesus


Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of God, are answered with exceptional clarity. Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature (with Yeshua as its fulfillment) your faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. This is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah) Visit our website at or email us at

Rediscovery Channel


Welcome to the Rediscovery Channel where three armchair historians set out on a quest to (re)discover history. Each week one of us tells the other a story from history that the other may or may not have heard off. Why? Because history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. And in order to understand where we're going, it is imperative to know where we came from. And since history is written by the victors, all the more reason to have a closer look at the forgotten, the curious, and the neglected stories. About the contributors: -Stilger is a polyglot who enjoys learning new languages and has always had an interest in history. At present, Stilgar is fluent in Dutch, English, German, but with more languages in progress. -Ivor Kovac was educated in history, and has a natural longstanding interest in history and mythology, with a focus on how culture affects history and vice versa. -Great Pharoah serves as a deacon in his church, which involves leading worship in both English and Coptic. He teaches classes, as well as worship, and knows a good deal of early church history.

Health & Wellness Show On The Relentless Search f=For Truth


Our message is a message of hope and healing. And our mission is to bring you on a journey to Discovering True Health. Our goal is to provide cutting edge health information through research and interviews with experts. We will also discuss personal journeys of many individuals and groups as each and every one of our bodies are unique and different and not everyone responds and reacts the same to treatments, medicine, holistic supplements, and even foods. Nothing is a one size fits all. This will be a journey of discovery for us all to help each of you not only find wellness but to thrive.