Vinnie Tortorich


THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING & LIKING. Your amazing support is what allows us to carry out our channel’s purpose to share life-changing weight loss tips and hard truths about the fitness and weight loss industry. 💪🎙️ Don’t miss our latest interviews, where Vinnie and top-notch guests give you the hard truths about what it takes to get fit and healthy! Check out his Fitness Confidential Podcast: 👀 Want to learn the ins and outs of the NSNG® lifestyle? Our Intro To NSNG Guide will show take you through how to get started, what to eat, what not to eat, and what to expect: Get the INTRO TO NSNG®️ EBook(pdf) -

Subreddit Surfing w Vinnie & Cardiff Electric


Comedian Vinnie Paulino and his lifetime potato pal Cardiff Electric have spent countless hours together surfing through different subreddits. They often ask themselves - " What it would be like to talk to some of these people?" So, they decided to find out....... Each episode they post a streamyard link in one of these Subreddits and see who shows up. Some call this an invitation for chaos, we call it the greatest social experiment ever devised by a potato! Wax your boards, catch a wave and let's see what happens.

Vinagre Vape


Boas malta. Meu nome é Vinagre e eu parei de fumar com ajuda do vape. Deixe-me ajudar-te a ti também e aproveita as minhas análises de dispositivos eletrônicos e líquidos. Se queres ganhar brindes no meu canal tens de estar subscrito e ser meu patrono. Se queres que faça review ao teu produto então contacta o email em baixo. Obrigado!! IMPORTANTE -Os produtos em meu canal são destinados apenas a ADULTOS. Todos os vencedores de concursos e prêmios devem ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade. Boas Nuvens!!

Marta's Vineyard of Hope


"Marta's Vineyard of HOPE" te lleva del estancamiento a la esperanza. Si buscas herramientas para el autoconocimiento, crecimiento personal y bienestar mental, este podcast es para ti. Cada semana, Marta Ortiz—exabogada, coach de vida y escritora—explora temas como mindfulness, autoestima y resiliencia, entre otros, brindándote estrategias prácticas para superar desafíos y crear una vida con propósito. Episodios en español y algunos en inglés para que encuentres inspiración sin barreras. Únete a este viaje de transformación y comienza a vivir con más claridad, confianza y esperanza.