Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset Verified

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Overtime with TJ


Серијалот "Overtime with TJ" со Јовица Симоновски. Overtime е шоу каде што ќе ви ги дадеме сите информации за најважните натпревари во неделата. Шоу кое ќе ги забележи предностите и слабостите на секој тим и шоу кое ќе ви ги прикаже клучните играчи кои треба да се забележат. Што да се гледа? Што да очекуваме? Вести ... Трачеви ... И многу повеќе од тоа! Едноставно шоу, кое ве подготвува за натпреварите од најинтересните фудбалски лиги во Светот. _______________________________________ The series "Overtime with TJ" with Jovica Simonovski. Overtime is a show where we will give you all the information about the most important matches of the week. A show that will highlight each team's strengths and weaknesses and a show that will show you the key players to watch out for. What to watch? What should we expect? News ... Gossip ... And much more! A simple show that prepares you for the matches of the most interesting football leagues in the world.

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We’ve discovered neurons in CLIP that respond to the same concept whether presented literally, symbolically, or conceptually. This may explain CLIP’s accuracy in classifying surprising visual renditions of concepts, and is also an important step toward understanding the associations and biases that CLIP and similar models learn. Fifteen years ago, Quiroga et al.1 discovered that the human brain possesses multimodal neurons. These neurons respond to clusters of abstract concepts centered around a common high-level theme, rather than any specific visual feature. The most famous of these was the “Halle Berry” neuron, a neuron featured in both Scientific American⁠(opens in a new window) and The New York Times⁠(opens in a new window), that responds to photographs, sketches, and the text “Halle Berry” (but not other names). Two months ago, OpenAI announced CLIP⁠, a general-purpose vision system that matches the performance of a ResNet-50,2 but outperforms existing vision systems on some of the most challenging datasets. Each of these challenge datasets, ObjectNet, ImageNet Rendition, and ImageNet Sketch, stress tests the model’s robustness to not recognizing not just simple distortions or changes in lighting or pose, but also to complete abstraction and reconstruction—sketches, cartoons, and even statues of the objects. Now, we’re releasing our discovery of the presence of multimodal neurons in CLIP. One such neuron, for example, is a “Spider-Man” neuron (bearing a remarkable resemblance to the “Halle Berry” neuron) that responds to an image of a spider, an image of the text “spider,” and the comic book character “Spider-Man” either in costume or illustrated. Our discovery of multimodal neurons in CLIP gives us a clue as to what may be a common mechanism of both synthetic and natural vision systems—abstraction. We discover that the highest layers of CLIP organize images as a loose semantic collection of ideas, providing a simple explanation for both the model’s versatility and the representation’s compactness.