UnchartedX Verified


Hi, my name is Ben, welcome to UnchartedX. I'm a long-time student and fan of history. I've spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past. I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history. I hope you'll join me on this journey! I try to publish at least 1-2 well researched pieces per month, and also other less structured content, podcasts/interviews and the like. I may also publish content unrelated to history, from time to time :) Please consider the value-for-value model as outlined at https://unchartedx.com/support!

Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means. C3RF opposes Motion M-103, the UN Agenda 2030, the Global Compact on Migration, the distorted use of “Islamophobia” in the Canadian political lexicon - with the goal of promoting education, justice, and Charter Rights protection to all Canadians.

Staged Chessboard


This channel is for re-uploading content that more people need to watch and share as well as giving my takes on everything going on in the world as it. I will give my thoughts on politics, entertainment, communities and more. I will also expose some of the wolves in sheep's clothing that claim to be against the system. Remember: "All the world is a stage." "The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." My other accounts are here: https://bio.link/stagedchessboard

Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at http://www.lcg.org ***** Tomorrow’s World video shorts. Powerful, short video animations and Telecast vignettes that ask important questions and promote Tomorrow’s World literature or telecasts. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3280540 Tomorrow's World - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3258902 Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3317108 Living Church of God - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3488236