Professor Nez Verified


Creating content saved my life. It's my mission to give back as much as I can. I am living proof you can monetize your impact and I only share things I have tried myself or learned from amazing humans. I talk a lot about the creator economy, personal branding, online business tips - how to earn more, grow faster and stress less. I look forward to seeing you on the channel! I'd love to work with you personally, please visit our services page here: BUSINESS INQUIRIES: Ask about corporate training & speaking: Media inquiries:

Il Profeta Dei Complottisti


Questo canale è unicamente creato a scopo didattico, tutti i video e i loro contenuti sono di proprietà dei loro rispettivi autori. In nessun caso ci riteniamo responsabili dei contenuti e i consigli indicati nei video qui caricati, altresì non garantiamo la loro veridicità. Il canale tratta diversi temi tra i quali satira, divertenti e parodie. Mi trovate su Instagram: **** Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.



"🔥 Boundary-Pushing Twerk Show: Don't Miss This Performance! 🔥 Get ready to raise your energy and enjoy this unique twerk performance! Our incredibly talented dancers present you with an unforgettable show, filled with eye-catching moves and perfect harmony. Join this wild twerk party, bringing together professional dancers from all around the world! 🎉 Immerse yourself in the rhythm of the music, admire the fiery dance moves, and get lost in the magic of this extraordinary performance. Whether you're watching alone at home or with friends, this video is sure to captivate and motivate with its infectious energy! 🌟 If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and share our video! Subscribe to our channel for new twerk videos and updates. It's time to dance, so don't miss out on this unique twerk show! 🌟"



Este canal ha nacido para gloria de la Santísima Trinidad Único y Eterno Dios y de Nuestra Santísima Reina María. Se ofrecen la visualización de Santas Misas celebradas según el Vetus Ordo, Catequesis de doctrina católica, Letanías a Cristo, la Inmaculada, los ángeles y los santos, Mensajes marianos y de Cristo y Canciones cristianas. Todo este contenido pretende mostrar y demostrar, que la Iglesia católica hoy ha sido asediada, ocupada y usurpada por falsos obispos y por un falso Papa que obedece las directrices de los poderes fuertes de este mundo, pero que ya no es Servidor de Dios, ni Vicario de Cristo. El canal afronta los retos de denunciar, con apologética cristiana y celo apostólico, a la falsa iglesia bergogliana que hoy se ha asentado en el vaticano, antes lugar de luz, catolicidad, testimonio de fe martirial y roca apostólica. En este HOY se cumple la profecía de Cristo de que las puertas del infierno no prevalecerán ante la inexpugnable FE católica y el SENSUS FIDELIUM.