Jamesons Travels Verified


JT was a Marine for over twenty years and had seen his fair share of action. He served with honor, never wavering from his dedication to the United States of America and its military. Now that he's retired, he has taken up a new mission: exposing stolen valor, woke ideology in the military, as well as some of the fun and crazy things that happen too! Through his Rumble and Locals channels dedicated solely to these topics, Jameson offers an honest take on what goes on behind closed doors - something only those who have been there can fully understand. He speaks openly about issues such as recruitment tactics used by recruiters at times or experiences veterans have when they first transition out of active duty service. But it isn't all serious topics; Jameson also shares stories from overseas deployments where fellow Marines did hilarious pranks or amazing feats which deserve recognition. So if you're looking for real talk about current events in the military landscape - or want to hear some funny stories from combat vets - then subscribe to Jameson's Travels today!

The Zo Loft w/ AlfonZo Rachel


The Zo Loft is a play on words using a shortened version of my name, AlfonZo Rachel or “Zo” and my “loft” where I conduct my commentaries. The commentaries are observations Through a Biblical, conservative, and I dare say a comedic filter on politics, culture, and whatever I may find interesting the news. The Zo Loft is a thought provoking and humorous commentary usually on the absurd, mentally and emotionally questionable state of liberals – hence I, Zo, prescribe to them a dose of truth from the “Zo Loft”. And for the conservatives who sometimes feel run down from what the liberals are doing to this country, I also prescribe to them a visit to the “Zo Loft” too for a dose of chuckle therapy by pointing out the absurdity of liberals, while lifting spirits with Bible based truth. The Zo Loft is primarily my monologues, but the production is meant to evolve into including satirical skits to illustrate the absurdity of left wing thinking. https://www.bronzeserpentmedia.com/

The Rachel Cruze Show Verified


Hi, I’m Rachel! I love Jesus, pizza and the Enneagram, and I’m the host of The Rachel Cruze Show—which you’ll find here on YouTube, on Facebook, and wherever you listen to podcasts. I teach people how to get out of debt and win with money. As Dave Ramsey's daughter, I was taught from an early age how to give generously, spend wisely, and save for the future. I understand the dangers of debt and have seen firsthand the damage it can do. Learning how to tell my money where to go using a budget was a game changer for me. I found that the more I did it, a budget didn’t limit my freedom—it gave me freedom. And I’m passionate about sharing that so you can experience that freedom too! Since then, as a Ramsey Personality, I’ve written four bestselling books and met people from all walks of life who just want to get their money under control. My message is simple: I want you to take control of your money and create a life you love!

The ZOpium Den w/ AlfonZo Rachel


The ZOPIUM Den Shirts and Mugs! Catch up in the ZOpium Den with the PodCast! Thanks for sharing the ZOpium Den! THE ZOPIUM DEN House of the Anti-Fuddy Duddy Bible Study is a play on the idiom of “Religion being the opium of the masses.” The ZOpium Den is where I invite you into a deep, laid-back, yet lively Bible study to learn the Word of God, not religion. The way the Good Lord ultimately intended. If you enjoy the trips, please leave a tip! Thank you so much for supporting my Salt and Light efforts with your donations and purchases! https://www.bronzeserpentmedia.com/donations

On the Mewve RV Travel


Hi friends! We are the Mew family of 4 who love to travel so we get out On the Mewve, a little play on our name and our love of travel. In 2019, we bought a 30 ft. travel trailer and decided to make our dreams happen by getting out on the road. Kelli and Wilson have always LOVED traveling and now RVing has given us opportunities to see more and make tons of memories as a family. We are teachers and are blessed to have the same "vacation" schedule, so we make the most of it with our kids by being both weekend warriors and "school schedule" travelers--We call ourselves part-timers. We hope to share what we learn while exploring this beautiful world around us and inspire you to get out and see it, too.