

The transformation is happening, whether we like it or not. We are changing as individuals and as part of the bigger picture. It may take time to adjust to our increasing intuition and abilities while being cautious of those who try to deceive us or hold us back. We are becoming more sensitive, which leads to confrontations with our environment. With her videos, Mirjam inspires, guides and challenges you to stand your ground and become who you intend to be.

Human Organisations, Cooperative Economics and Democratic Societies, Vision and Mission that drives genuine society development and transformation. Just societies and Holistic living.


The Search for Societies that exist to serve and build their human citizens and are founded on the core values of Justice, Mercy, Faith, in culture, values, economics, social structures, human rights and values, care for the least and humility of the powerful. Examples of societies that have created true societies that serve mankind.

Transformiere dein Bewusstsein - Geistiges Heilen der neuen Zeit


Heilkraft finden und erkennen Die Deutsche Heilerschule U.G. in Seefeld im Großraum München genießt vor allem durch ihre renommierten und geprüften Dozenten ein hohes Ansehen und Anerkennung im weiten Feld der Geistheilung in Deutschland. Die Verbindung von Spiritualität und Naturwissenschaft ist unser Ziel. Nicht viele Geistheiler-Schulen liegen in einer so traumhaften Umgebung wie die unsere. Die direkte Nähe zum wunderschönen Ammersee in Oberbayern lässt viel Raum für Spiritualität, innere Einkehr und Entspannung bei der Teilnahme an unseren vielfältigen Angeboten. Ob Sie sich für eine Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder Quantenheilung interessieren oder an einer Massageausbildung teilnehmen möchten - unsere Seminare und Schulungen halten sicherlich das Richtige für Sie bereit. Spiritualität und Heilung Das Thema Geistheilung gewinnt in unserer hektischen und technischen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. In jedem von uns schlummert eine spirituelle Begabung, sie muss nur erkannt und gefördert werden. Unsere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Seefeld im Bereich der Geistheilung, Quantenheilung und Geistheiler-Ausbildung sind vielfältig und zielführend. Ein großes spirituelles Spektrum der Geistheiler-Schulen wird hierbei abgedeckt. Unsere Ausbildung zur Quantenheilung ist genauso zertifiziert wie die Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder die Massageausbildung. Alle Heilerausbildungen werden durch ein Zertifikat beglaubigt. Die Ausbildung zur Geistheilung und der Quantenheilung sowie die Massageausbildung schließen nach erfolgreicher Prüfung mit dem Zertifikat der DHS ab. Wir informieren Sie gerne über die Möglichkeiten einer Geistheiler-Ausbildung an unserer Schule in Seefeld.

Operator 214 Private Military Contractor [VTUBER]


VTube Character Lore: "Operator 214" (Name & Age Classified), Private Military Contractor & Former Armored Core Mech Pilot. Recruited as a child soldier by Militares Sans Frontieres until organization collapse - later joined Global Cortex as a freelance Armored Core Mech Pilot. Contributed to diverse missions, from corporate security to Search & Destroy Psychological Profile: Has great skill in adaptability and thrives in unpredictable high risk environments. Strong preference in operating solo or in small highly specialized teams Awards & Recognitions: Wounded Personnel Medal Military Merit Medal Distinguished Service Star Most of my videos will showcase my adventures undertaking diverse contracts, interspersed with occasional glimpses into my downtime. Every video in my archive is securely backed up on undisclosed platforms to safeguard against cyber attacks and sabotage. Thank you for tuning in, and have a fantastic day!

Astrology & Awakening with Susan Verified


Helping you transform your life through Astrology, Āyurveda, and the great wisdom traditions of South Asia and beyond. Book a reading with Susan here - Susan obtained a Master's Degree in International Politics from Université Libre de Bruxelles (1993) after having studied History and Politics at the University of Toronto (B.Hons 1990). She worked in International institutions in Brussels for several years until realising her true calling was to help people, and has worked as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, breastfeeding counselor, mindfulness teacher, hypnotherapist and āyurvedic counselor in the 25 years since leaving a desk job. Susan has been a professional counseling astrologer since late 2012, complementing the body-mind work she does with people around the world. #transformation #spirituality #astrologer #astrology #learnastrology #ayurveda #healing #guidance #teaching #yoga #yogatherapy #pranayama

Transform Church Michigan


Transform Church is a new, fully independent church start-up. Our mission is God's mission - to help people connect (or reconnect) with God! We strive for a complete approach, just like Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God demonstrated and as God's Word shows. Our calling is to share God's Truth as accurately as we can without bias, watering-down/sugar-coating, evil intent, or unGodly agenda. Our passion is God's - to restore communities, starting with families, to be His instruments of light, love, truth, and stability in this crazy, broken world!