Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans


Welcome to the Tipping Point Channel, launched by Pastor Jimmy Evans to answer your questions about biblical prophecy and the end times. Each week we release new content based on current world events. Jimmy Evans and other Bible teachers guide viewers through Scripture, helping believers find hope, peace, and encouragement. This channel draws on decades of pastoral study, experience, and biblical expertise to answer these questions: - What does the Bible say will happen in the last days? - What does the Bible say about the present moment? - Are prophetic events happening now? - How do current events tie into end times prophecy? - How can I prepare for the future? This channel includes only a small piece of the end times content we release each week. To get access to all our content, become a subscriber at EndTimes.com. As a subscriber you'll have access to full Tipping Point episodes, weekly news articles, member only videos, and more.

Hellebuyck's Trading Post


Hellebuyck\'s Trading Post - a gun shop inside an antique shop, or is it an antique shop inside a gun shop? You be the judge. Our channel will show you reviews on new model firearms but why stop there? We also have a passion for antiques, collectibles and anything different. From rare and collectible firearms, ammunition, vintage hunting and sporting equipment to knives, military memorabilia, cabin decor, oddities and other quality antiques. Located on the knuckle of the thumb in mid-Michigan, we have been collecting for over 40 years. To learn more visit our website. New videos added weekly. Please subscribe to our channel and help us grow!