Dr. Nick Zyrowski Verified


This is the supporting YouTube channel to WWW.DRZ.TV, where Dr. Nick Zyrowski breaks down health news from the perspective of a natural doctor, and teach you everything you need to know to live a healthy lifestyle. We go in depth on topics like intermittent fasting, and the ketogenic diet. We break down how you can naturally reverse health conditions that are disrupting your life. On my website, you will find exclusive content such as my wife and I showing you how we raise a healthy family, cook healthy meals, and even how to create a safe home free of toxic products. Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment.

The Tom Laipply Podcast Verified


This country was founded on Christian principles and the roles of Patriot and Pastor sometimes mixed. The pulpit was a place where religious tradition mixed with political philosophy. If it were not for strong men of God, who were unafraid to speak outwardly about their faith and take strong political stands, this country would not be what it is today. Sadly, most Pastor’s do not see the importance of keeping their church body informed politically. Tom does not subscribe to this philosophy. He believes it is extremely important to share the Gospel, Win the Lost, Disciple Believers, and to keep the church informed of what is going on politically so that we can “resist” the devil’s schemes and plans.

Tom Grieve


Attorney Tom Grieve is an ex-criminal prosecutor who now leads the largest criminal defense firm in Wisconsin. He is a former instructor, competitive shooter, and a relentless 2nd amendment advocate. Tom has been interviewed and appeared in numerous media outlets, ranging from the New York Times, CourtTV, Fox News, Reuters, Washington Post, National Public Radio, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, among many others. He is a frequent Continuing Legal Education course speaker to teach and update both lawyers and judges in developments in the law in the 2nd amendment and deadly force space, in Wisconsin and nationally. Tom also gives presentations on self-defense topics both in Wisconsin and to audiences around the country at expos and seminars. Tom has also contributed to the national conversation in writing on emerging legal topics and has been published in Conceal Carry Magazine and elsewhere. YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AttyTomGrieve

Tom Marazzo Public Figure


Tom Marazzo was a volunteer for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 and was integral in helping to coordinate truck movements and logistics, as well as negotiations with Police Liaison Teams from the city of Ottawa. A retired officer of the Canadian Army, his advice on how to safely and responsibly achieve the objectives of the Convoy was instrumental in the success of the Convoy which can be measured by the mandates removed in the province of Ontario. Tom acted as the main spokesperson, doing press conferences, almost daily, on behalf of the Freedom Convoy. Witnessing Canadians losing their inalienable human rights is not something to ignore or abide by. Tom’s unwavering commitment to Canadians is the reason he’s written a highly person and detailed account of his life experiences leading up to, during and in the after math of the Freedom Convoy. My Book - The People’s Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022, ©Tom Marazzo 2023 Coming Soon

Tomorrow's World - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at http://www.lcg.org ***** Tomorrow's World helps hundreds of thousands of people make sense of the world through the pages of the Bible. Using the truth, prophecies, and hope of God's Word, Tomorrow's World is helping people understand the world we live in. Tomorrow's World publishes a weekly television program that airs on stations around the world, including WGN, WORD, COWBOY, and a host of local stations. You can see a full television listing here: https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/tune-in. These programs can also be found on this Rumble channel, though, modified to suit our YouTube audience. Tomorrow's World is sponsored by the Living Church of God as the primary outreach effort to preach the gospel to the world and warn of troubles coming as a result of mankind's disobedience to God. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3280540 Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3317108 Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3287546 Living Church of God - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3488236