Church of Glad Tidings
840 FollowersChurch of Glad Tidings Yuba City
Church of Glad Tidings Yuba City
From the cute and cuddly to the big and deadly, this channel is dedicated to the most amazing animals on our planet. Here we encounter rhinos, mambas, crocodiles, sharks, cobras, lions and a whole bunch more. Strap on your safety belt, hit that subscribe button and get ready for a world of adventure... Dingo out!
I'm here to promote the pro-white agenda, fam
Veterans For Child Rescue's mission is to expose and eradicate the corrupt, underground criminal enterprise of child trafficking in the USA. By bringing awareness to the masses, more people can be empowered with knowledge and resources to safeguard children as well as identify and report child abuse and trafficking. This weekly radio show segues V4CR's hit documentary: CONTRALAND. V4CR founder, Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Executive Director, Forrest Sealey invite special guests to discuss the various aspects of prevention, education, our justice system, politics and government, as well as what V4CR is doing to combat and end child trafficking. We are trending at 1.2 million streams monthly, and between 2 million to 4.5 million terrestrial listeners.
🍳 Bem-vindo ao Fofocando na Cozinha! 🍳 Aqui, a gente tempera receitas com uma boa dose de fofocas, histórias engraçadas, dramas do dia a dia e muitas risadas! Enquanto você acompanha cenas deliciosas de pessoas cozinhando, eu te conto relatos surpreendentes que vão te prender até o último segundo. Se você gosta de boa comida e ama uma história bem contada, esse é o lugar perfeito para relaxar, se divertir e se inspirar. 🎥 Inscreva-se e ative o sininho para não perder nenhum prato de fofoca fresquinha!
Please consider joining us as we dedicate time to read aloud God's Holy Word and sing hymns and spiritual songs together. Each week we read selections from the Psalms, Old and New Testaments. We are a husband and wife home ministry desiring to Glorify the One True Living God. We believe the Holy Scriptures are God's Word and are sufficient for teaching us about His nature and our nature and His covenants with His people Israel and how we fit into His Covenants. We hope you consider joining us. In Christ, Todd and Kathy Moorman
A family vlog dedicated to the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check us out at
Glad Tidings Flint Michigan
Reading my Marvel Comic Book collection in release order starting in 1974.
So you will see a lot of videos on this topic (Smartphone, Apps, Android and IOS, Games, Tools and accessories...) I try to shoot at least one video a week. And thanks for stopping by.
Homem & Cozinha é um canal voltado para o nicho de culinária simples popular criado em 2016 e apresentado por Jocimar Bruno, que é um amante da culinária amadora e que por meio do canal e do site Homem & Cozinha compartilha os seus conhecimentos com os demais cozinheiros amadores do Brasil. O canal Homem & Cozinha traz dicas de cozinha e receitas populares e sazonais no formato de tutorial, explicando passo-a-passo cada processo de maneira simples e de fácil entendimento. O canal Homem & Cozinha pertence a Doisde Soluções Digitais. --------- Doisde Soluções Digitais 43.001.985/0001-82 Nova Iguaçu/RJ --------- Contato para patrocínio, parcerias e colabs Whatsapp: (21) 96415-3027 E-mail:
Sejam bem vindos às aventuras gastronômicas de alguém que não enxerga desde os três anos de idade.
This Rumble Channel will most be about Spiritual Growth, Self Help, and Life. Entertainment Fun Love Peace
Understanding Our Universe" is a Christian-based podcast dedicated to exploring the wonders of God's creation through science, faith, and scripture. Each episode dives into topics like the origins of the universe, the mysteries of life on Earth, and the vastness of the cosmos, all while grounding our exploration in a deep reverence for God's hand in it all. Join us as we seek to understand the natural world from a faith-based perspective, discussing how science and spirituality intersect, illuminate each other, and reveal the glory of our Creator. Whether you're a seasoned believer or simply curious about the divine beauty of the universe, we welcome you to journey with us as we uncover the truths of God’s magnificent design
Tidings Media Channel, the home of the Tidings Podcast Network
O Canal foi criado pela Mãe (Elke) e Filho (Guilherme) para juntos fazermos receitas fáceis e divertidas que agradarão a Família toda! Que tal chamar os pequenos para se divertirem na cozinha? Além de educativo, cozinhar com seu filho pode ser um momento especial entre vocês. Toda semana prepararemos receitas bem saborosas e práticas para você preparar junto com a criançada. Te esperamos por aqui!!!! E-mail: The Channel was created by Mother (Elke) and Son (Guilherme) so that together we can make easy and fun recipes that will please the whole Family! How about calling the little ones to have fun in the kitchen? In addition to being educational, cooking with your child can be a special moment between mother/father and children. Every week we will prepare tasty and practical sweet and savory recipes for you to prepare together with the kids. We are waiting for you here!!!!
Seja muito bem vindo ao canal 'Na Cozinha com o Seila'. Eu sou o Seilá, tenho mais de 40 anos de experiência com culinária. Aqui você vai ter acesso a muitas receitas salgadas e doces, fáceis, práticas e deliciosas, em especial a culinária árabe, aqui você aprenderá fazer, kibes, esfihas, coalhadas, moussaká (lasanha grega), falafel entre outras delicias. Publicamos vídeos semanais, e você pode utilizá-los para aprender mais e ficar um mestre na cozinha. Surpreenda seus familiares e amigos. E da pra fazer uma renda extra, é uma ótima opção para comercializar. Lembre de visitar nossas redes sociais Instagram Na Cozinha Com O Seila Página do Facebook Seila Gastronomia Arabe Qualquer dúvida conte comigo, é só chamar no whatsapp (16)99147-4746 Obrigado
ambient drone music
D.E.B.S. Homestead Channel is about giving All Glory to God the Father. Everything that I was paralyzed from doing when I was in the Wilderness of Sin (Exodus 17:1) is being returned to me. I am being brought out of the wilderness by the Most Amazing, Wonderful and Boundless Father God!, and these are the best days of my Life! In the past I've brought you canning videos and other how-to types, but now my content will always be driven by the Holy Spirit as I am doing it for God! I owe everything to Him! He is showing me the evil spirits in my loved ones, physically and spiritually! Join me as I get to know my God, the Almighty One True God, Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15) And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord [Jehovah] is my Banner [Nissi];. Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel [Christians], what does the Lord your God require of you but [reverently] to fear the Lord your God, [that is] to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being.
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