Gran Hermano TV


Gran Hermano será un reality show producido por Banijay, franquicia chilena del programa neerlandés Big Brother, creado por John de Mol. El programa es emitido por Chilevisión y es presentado por Diana Bolocco y Julio César Rodríguez. Salió al aire por primera vez el 18 de junio de 2023. El programa consiste en que durante un tiempo aproximado de cuatro meses, un grupo de participantes intentará evitar las «nominaciones» efectuadas por ellos mismos y superar las eliminaciones que, periódicamente, la audiencia decide y así conseguir el premio final. El premio para quien resulte ganador es de CL$ 25 000 000. La primera edición del programa se grabó en la casa de Gran Hermano Argentina, la cual cuenta con más de 2 500 metros cuadrados. Está ubicada en Buenos Aires, Martínez.

John Francis Mariano Music

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The Highest Standards John Francis Mariano's number one passion is mastering the craft of writing songs. He aims high, with originality being the first target. Experimenting skillfully with lost chords, and his extensive knowledge of the masters before him in Rock, Jazz, Blues, Pop, Ballads, and all its forms, John focuses on finding the song as if it already exists and he is the servant creating it. The result is fresh songs that are rooted in the great artists of different genres yet unique and totally relevant to today. To this recipe he adds his love and talent for sharing stories, singing with an incredibly versatile voice, and performing all the instruments with power and precision. The guitar is also his big love and he has unquestionably mastered it. To listen to Mariano's music is to enter a world of imagination, and emotional experiences of wonder, and to be immersed in the music as much as he is.

Mariano Mallia

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It was December of 2018 when I suffered a vocal injury that severely altered my way of life. My vocal cords had become partially paralyzed and I had lost my ability to sing and speak normally. In the span of just a few weeks I went from being a full-time musician to being an Uber driver. What I learned in that dark period was that when you hit the bottom, there is only one way left to go. Sometimes it takes hitting a low to regain your faith, get back up on your feet, and not take the miracle of life for granted. For the next four years, I continued to write songs. I went through speech therapy, vocal therapy, and vocal surgery. Two years post-surgery, my voice slowly started to come back. Fast forward to today, and I am putting out my first songs after having been silent for the last four years. It turns out that sometimes the hurdle or obstacle that doesn't make any sense is just what you need to gain the strength to get back up and go even further than you did last time. I hope that my story and my songs can inspire others to keep chasing after their dreams and to never quit in the face of adversity. I believe in the power of love, faith, humanity, and self belief, and these are the core values that I write music about. If you made it this far, I am glad that you found my music and I appreciate your love and support.