The Scoop - News For Free Thinkers
Take a look inside my head
A redneck sharing his thoughts on politics and life
I was deleted from youtube without any strikes, they deleted my Google account and blocked my PayPal. I am a threat to liars. Seeker and spreader of truth, sharing my opinions, and using our numbers to accomplish our goals. I know what the end looks like, and im taking you all with me.
Welcome to the Free Thinkers Podcast. This is the show that believes in Free Speech, Original Thought and a Desire for Truth. With Rusty Puttfark and Meme Joe Green.
Immigrant Artist & Thinker arrived 30 years ago to the United States. Supporting myself with my art. Will post art related content and opinion pieces on life or social political events worldwide. Renaissance woman! Artist. Born in France. Lived in France and Germany for 30 years. Now living in the US for 27 years. Started to make art my full time pursuit in 1999. Since then I have painted and sold over 2000 paintings in watercolor as well as oil. My website is
This channel offers encouragement and excerpts from my books.
A recovery channel that challenges the status quo, and looks for solutions rather than fixating on flaws.
You'd have to be nuts to think there's no conspiracies taking place on earth right now, but you're crazy if you believe them all. The truth lay somewhere between the 2, and that's what this channel is all about. That excessive piece of DNA
gaming, music reviews, book reviews and commentary
Welcome to Subconscious Thinkers! Dive deep into the realms of spirituality, manifestation, and the Law of Attraction. Our channel is dedicated to helping you unlock the power of your mind, manifest your dreams, and elevate your spiritual journey. Whether you're seeking guidance on attracting abundance, mastering positive thinking, or embracing your spiritual awakening, we provide practical tips, insights, and inspiration to align your mind, body, and soul. Join our growing community of conscious creators and transform your reality from within!
Individuals sharing unbiased and unfiltered opinions on society, culture, and entertainment.
Janice Ponds is a mother, author, and free thinker and your host for today. Janice’s mission is to provoke thought, bring awareness, and point people towards intervention when needed. As a reminder, this show is not therapy, but for educational purposes only. To find a licensed therapist in your area, please visit and navigate to our Resources page. For more information, check out or follow her on social media.
The love of wisdom is a powerful tool. Let's get to know thy-selves. Welcome to a decentralized community. Please consider visiting my website to view all the ways you can support the show's growth. Thanks in advance.
There are many areas where meditation music can improve our meditation and our lives as a whole. We are content specialist: Here are some of the key ones: Stress and Anxiety Relief One benefit of listening to music while meditating is a reduction in the levels of stress and anxiety. When you listen to pleasant and soft music during meditation, you will feel calmer and the pressures of life fade. Outside of meditation, studies show that workplaces where meditation music is playing experience much lower levels of stress and lower levels of stressand anxiety than those that have loud music or no music playing at all. Sleep Meditation music can help calm our nerves and take attention away from a noisy brain. It can also relax our bodies by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. Deeper Meditation Practitioners have found the combination of music and meditation creates a soothing atmosphere that is conducive to stress relief.
The mission of The Christian Thinker and Christian Worldview Press is to teach you how to think biblically about tough topics and understand the context of Scripture. The main website is Follow us on Twitter - YouTube -
Informative videos
You can become brilliant, here's how!
Videos about woke agenda, fully anti-woke, and completely against grooming children. The truth MUST be told.
Thinker's Jazz is the perfect YouTube channel for anyone looking to explore the world of jazz music. Here you'll find high-quality videos of classic and modern jazz tunes, live performances, interviews with jazz musicians, and discussions of jazz theory. We also feature play-along tracks that will help you practice your scales and improvisation skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced jazz enthusiast, Thinker's Jazz is sure to have something for you!
Sigma male attitude quotes
Welcome to the overthinker family <3
このご時世、さまざまな情報が流れる中、できる限りの努力で個人個人が真実を探求していかないえればならないサバイバル状況な気がしてなりません。 そんな中、ただ答えを出すのではなく、感じ、考えることが何より大切だと思います。 「毎日忙しいくて、あまり余計なことは考える余裕がない」と感じ、一つの情報だけ、もしくは権威性のある一般的に流れてくる情報のみに耳を傾け、知らないうちにそれを信じ、一般常識だと思って過ごしている方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 ですが、常識を疑い、自分自身で情報精査をし、よく噛んで消化することは必要だと思います。 私のTwitterや動画で少しでも違った視点から物事が見えるようなインスピレーションが与えられたら幸いです。 自分軸をもって、自分の直感を大切にして、違和感を感じたら調べるくらいでいいと思います。 少しでも多くの人が直感を大事にし、調べる、考えることを始めてくれたら幸いです。 ※私はこれが正しい!というようなことは決して言っていません。私の視点、観点、考察をシェアしているだけなので、反対意見や、違和感などがあって当然だと思っています。 ただ、一人の意見として聴いていただき、ご自身の考えや気持ちに向き合っていただければ本望です! 🟩【Thinkers’ チャンネル公式】🟩 💚Website💚: 💚YouTube💚: 💚TikTok💚:@thinkers_channel 💚Twitter💚:
a channel to mock stuff and maybe debate it while it there. starting from zero going who knows where. i have little education essentially a techy luddite and big plans and challenges because why not. join me as we journey into the minefield that is talking 🤞
Making Video That You Imagine
Closet full of difficult to find video clips that just might challenge what and how you think and perceive events.
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