Heretical Sedition


The content of this channel is dedicated to the collapsing Democracy of doomed European Sweden; who allowed me to speak freely, even though I was it's enemy. _______ A collection of random videos showcasing BDSM/Gender Neutral post-Queer commentary as well as perspectives and narratives from diverse Non-Conformist and Social Revolutionary political/meta-political/para-political viewpoints such as: Queer Nationalism; Marxist-Trotskyism; Marxist-Leninism; Neo-Maoism, Right Marxism (National Bolshevism); Juche Idea; Anarcho-Syndicalism / Anarchist-Communist (AnCom); Anarcho-Capitalism (AnCap); Neo-Situationist (N-SITU); Nouvelle Droite / New Right; Dissident National-Anarchism (D-NATAN); Dark MAGA, Prophetic Press (, and Mormon Worker (Mormon Anarchist). I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT claim any authority. I am only an ant in the forest, the voice of nobody in the wilderness. Disclaimer: Under United States, United Kingdom, Australian and Canadian copyright law I am allowed to quote material from purposes of informing, education or parody. Plagiarism means using someone else's work without giving them proper credit. In all my videos I cite the sources and provide links to the sources. I am primarily, but not exclusively, a reviewer of political and theological ideas / concepts, articles, films, TV series, Tarot decks, Occult arcane and books. My intention is to bring visibility to non-conformist content makers whose "voices in the wilderness" are ignored or marginalized in the so-called "mainstream" (specially as it relates to social revolutionary politics or heretical theology). # The objective of this channel is to serve as a platform for free expression of social revolutionary viewpoints based on Articles 18 & 19 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Content in this channel is inspired by metamodern and post-metamodern aesthetics. My intended audience are religious & political non conformists and social outcasts - not the general public. Most viewers of this channel are anonymous. My intention is to encourage innovation in non-conformist revolutionary politics & concept development. Since Rumble is a Free Speech platform; I also want to develop content for Rumble through the responsible exercise of articles 18, 19 and 20 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and advocacy for Articles 1, 2 & 5 of the U.S. Bill of Rights of 1791, Articles 10 and 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2012); as well as Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / Charte canadienne des droits et libertés of 1982 covering "Fundamental freedoms": freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief & freedom of expression. Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. (2.) The right to conscientious objection is recognized, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right. Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. (2.) The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This channel does not feature paid promotion. Channel Human Rights Disclaimer: --- Sweden Critical Weblog: # COOL CHANNELS I FOLLOW ON RUMBLE: (...the views expressed in the channels I follow are probably not the same as those I express on this channel...) (Mid-Western Marx) https://ru

David Heretic


This channel is about Reactions, Reviews, and Rants....hence the title of the episodes. I will be Reacting to things I've never heard or seen before, Reviewing things I have seen or heard before, and Ranting about well as other things. My goal for this channel is no matter what, you will be entertained. If you do like what you see, feel free to subscribe to the channel. If not, that's o.k. I still respect you. Twitter: Instagram: Patreon Page: This is where you can MAKE REQUESTS as a Bronze Tier member or higher. It's also where I post ALL the videos that YouTube blocks....and some other stuff. Our PO Box (Yes, we listened to all of you and we got one): P.O. Box #355 19360 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch, CA. 91326

Hunting down the heritic


A Prayer You Should Learn Pilgram Emperor of Mankind, whose light pierces through the blackest void, We, your unworthy servants, kneel before your divine majesty, With hearts ablaze and souls aflame with fervent devotion. Thou art our beacon amidst the shadows of heresy, Thy wrath a cleansing fire to purge the unclean, Grant us the strength to wield thy holy flame, To scorch the taint of chaos from the galaxy's domain. In the crucible of battle, we offer our blood as tribute, For the Imperium, for Terra, for thy eternal glory! Ignite our spirits with the zeal of the righteous, That we may burn away the darkness with righteous fury. Blessed Emperor, grant us thy divine guidance, As we march forth into the abyss, unyielding and unafraid, In thy name, we shall vanquish the foes of humanity, And herald thy triumph over the dark tide of damnation. With every breath, with every heartbeat, We chant thy name as a litany of faith, Emperor of Holy Terra, Master of Mankind, Grant us victory, or grant us death in thy name! Ave Pilgram This Page is dedicated to the Grim dark Future with Dark Tide Game Play Any thing else is HERESY and Shall be Delt with In His Name Our Lord Emperor of Mankind. Warwhore LC

The Critical Wranker


Welcome all, thankyou for anyone that watches my videos. I'm a massive fan of gaming, especially retro games, and I'm looking forward to covering all the great games I loved. I have history in the gaming sphere, in the late 90's I started and ran one of the top Final Fantasy fan sites on the web, as geeky as that sounds, it used to get 10,000 unique views EVERYDAY, which back then was a lot. I have been a firefighter for 16 years and now have the itch to make some form of content again. Hopefully I can make videos you feel are worth watching, and get the joy that I got back in the 90s.

The Haven Verified


Throughout history, heretics have been burned at the stake for questioning and speaking out against the establishment and its status quo. The modern age holds no difference. With this channel, I aim to question and offer analysis until the Cathedral chooses to burn us at the stake. And make sure to Add my Bitchute, Rumble, and Odysee channels for when youtube has finally had enough. Telegram channel coming soon. For a bit of levity, make sure to check my Podcast with fellow Armchair philosopher "Beergut Bob" once a week.

Mathematics with engr Arslan ali


Why would you need to subscribe this channel? This channel is for all those who are looking to crack physics and maths solutions in way that has never been taught to you in any of your institution. Mr arslan is here to turn your complicated queries into easiest solutions. Physics and matha would never be as difficult as it used to be, now you can be physics expert and maths guru by just following engineer arslan’s videos and subscribing this channel.