The Venus Twins


We are identical twin sisters from the Planet Venus, who have been chosen by God to help humanity after The Great Awakening on Planet Earth. We provide channelled information directly from The Andromedan Council of 9 about the events currently affecting all people on Earth at this time. We have created a Healing Business called "Wisdom Woven in Time Healing" that operates in the Bayside area of Melbourne in Australia. We offer Quantum Transformation Healings, Psychic Readings and Covid Vaccine Removal. Our Website is

We tell it like it is.


Ever wonder why people are not asking the questions we are all thinking? We think people are afraid to hurt feelings, well screw your feelings! We grew up in the times where you had to grow a pair or get your ass kicked...and often. If you were raised in a house that disciplined you by counting to three...well this may offend you or even make you cry. We are VERY conservative, of you don't believe me just listen to a few shows. New Podcast every Monday, and Friday. Our Website :

Robito Chatwin


Hello! ツ My name is Robert (robito) Chatwin. I am a qualified hypnotherapist with a strong passion for deepening connection to our own subconscious, and a unique freedom-focused approach to healing. Our freedom comes from within. We are the heroes. We are the solution. We are the ones we are waiting for. Robito's freedom-focused work provides global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back the power and control over our own lives. Go to ⚡️