

StatsTube creates unique and original data visualizations as a dynamic timeline to help you pass the monotonous and endless data reading. The process to create such content needs a lot of dedication and hard work. We're working hard enough to collect the data on various topics and then bring it to you in the form of stunning videos, helping you understand the world, the past and the future through this unique way. Our videos are created from scratch. We're using a combination of a custom code made in D3.js, JavaScript, HTML5 and Canvas. If you find any of our videos uploaded somewhere on YouTube, please let us know. Thanks everyone for the awesome support and the effort you give for 'StatsTube'. If you are into original content, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to the channel, turn on the NOTIFICATIONS and don't hesitate to leave your valuable COMMENTS. In Data We Trust. Business / Contact E-mail: © 2022 Stats Tube // All rights reserved.

Economics, Math, & Stats Training


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Historical data are fun, but reading them is tedious. This channel makes these tedious data into a dynamic timeline, which shows historical data from past to present, sometimes even to the future! We make tons of historical rankings, comparisons about many important issues, such as GDP, population, and many more. If you are interested into these kind of stuff, don\'t hesitate to subscribe and enjoy the videos on this channel. There will be new videos every week on all kinds of topics, and feel free to leave your valuable comments!

山下達郎 Tatsuro Yamashita's album Softly

1 Follower

Tatsuro Yamashita's album Softly 01 -===- 01 - フェニックス 02 -===- 02 - Love's on Fire 03 -===- 03 - ミライのテーマ 04 -===- 04 - Recipe (レシピ) 05 -===- 05 - Cheer Up! The Summer 06 -===- 06 - 人力飛行機 07 -===- 07 - うたのきしゃ 08 -===- 08 - Shining from the Inside 09 -===- 09 - Lehua, My Love 10 -===- 10 - Oppression Blues (弾圧のブルース) 11 -===- 11 - コンポジション 12 -===- 12 - You (ユー) 13 -===- 13 - Angel of the Light 14 -===- 14 - 光と君へのレクイエ 15 -===- 15 - Reborn (リボーン)