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The Science of Superpowers with Tonya Dawn Recla


Tonya Dawn Recla, Director of Super Power Experts, a human research and development institute, and the Superpower Network, ranked in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, spends her days proving superpowers are real. As a Special Agent, Tonya conducted joint espionage investigations and surveillance missions with the CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA and DOJ and taught espionage tradecraft and human energetics at the Counterintelligence Special Agent Course. With degrees in intercultural communication and education, and extensive experience training intergroup relations and critical race theories for universities and corporations, Tonya is passionate about solving for the human condition in co-creative environments. Tonya’s strong desire to fully understand the human condition and create solutions to uplift humanity led her to invent the multi-dimensional awakening modality called CEFA (Creative Energy Field Activation).

prime superman


Welcome to my YouTube channel dedicated to all things movies and entertainment! I'm superman fan , and I'm passionate about the film industry. On this channel, I'll be sharing movie reviews, trailer reactions, interviews with celebrities, and news updates. With years of experience in the industry, I'll bring you the latest insights and analysis that you won't find anywhere else. Be sure to subscribe to my channel and follow me on social media to stay updated on new content. Thanks for watching!"