

Reprogram your subconscious mind for success with subliminal affirmations. Subliminal audios provide your mind with new and positive software. Just as a gardener plants seeds and patiently waits for them to grow, subliminal affirmations plant positive ideas in your mind. While your conscious mind is listening to the music, much more is happening behind the scenes. Unleash your potential with scientifically proven subliminals. Success is within - let's awaken it together!

Neil Cross Subliminals


Vocalist, Graphic Designer & Subliminals Content Creator (Science & Technology). Hello, my name is Thiago Roda and I am brazilian. I started studying biokinesis and subliminals at the end of 2014, after listening a lot to them, and perceiving that they really works, when we give right dedication. They changed a lot my prospective of life. So I decided to help out people creating some subliminal gifts, plz enjoy its effects! I love to sing and I hope you like the catch of the songs I wanted to cover the vocals. (Neil Cross Metal) on YT! #Biokinesis (plz read description on Playlist Section) #Subliminals #Frequencies #Meditations Yours truly, Neil Cross Subliminals SOME OF THE VIDEO Animations By: AA VFX - PLZ ACCESS HERE Songs By; YouTube Content Creators. Rights Reserved. * ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! * Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: Subject As Urgent! or Instagram DM @ncsubliminals

Wake-Up America


After studying Bible prophecy for about 18 years, Larry Wilson founded Wake Up America Seminars in 1988 for the purpose of proclaiming Revelation's story. Larry's method for interpreting prophecy is unique in that he uses four self-evident rules found in the book of Daniel. These rules produce a matrix that consists of 17 prophecies -- 5 in Daniel and 12 in Revelation. When valid rules of interpretation are applied, valid conclusions are the result. Wake Up America Seminars is a non-profit organization and it is not affiliated nor endorsed by any religious body. Website:

Life Insurance Magic- How to Make it Work for You


No more worrying if you are paying too much. Or if you have enough coverage. Or even if you have the right products. You can finally feel comfortable and confident about your life insurance coverage.I have spent most of my life in the life insurance business. I grew up in my father’s general agency, and have been selling the product full-time for over 30 years. I know that life insurance is a Magical financial product: It keeps families safe and secure. It protects businesses from severe disruption and devastating losses. It preserves estate assets. It infuses charities with cash. It creates wealth – with tax advantages and strong guarantees. But most men and women I meet don’t know that. That’s going to change 🙂.



Welcome to Subliminal Aid ! We specialize in subliminal videos designed to support personal growth and well-being. Our content focuses on enhancing testosterone levels and improving overall body and mind performance.While our content primarily targets males, any video labeled "Unisex" in the title is suitable for both male and female viewers. Original Content: All subliminals are meticulously created by us, ensuring originality and quality. Each video includes affirmations that are either audible or faintly heard to prevent misunderstandings. A script for each video is provided in the description. Disclaimer: None of our videos claim to replace professional care (entertainment / personal growth purposes ONLY!). We emphasize the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for any personal health concerns.I am not a doctor or healthcare worker.