Hammer Striker


Welcome to Hammer Striker, we feature unbiased, politics-free firearms information, reviews & range demonstrations. On our channel we perform table-top reviews, field-strip and reassembly of various firearms and accessories, including the all-important range demonstrations. Even the occasional knife, tool or unique weapon. As we are pro-second amendment we also discuss the usefulness of a particular firearm for legal concealed-carry, target sports, hunting and simply collecting for the beauty of them. All firearms being handled are unloaded and safety-checked before beginning (unless, of course we are shooting them at the range) even if this is not shown on the video. There will be no foul language, inappropriate, wild or unsafe behavior with the firearms. The things you may learn from our videos will always be proper safe handling and useful information. Hammer Striker Productions.

top best strikers in the world

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Welcome to Jdi sports Its All About Football We produce football videos on the best players across the globe Spread the message. Spread the love. We really hope you will enjoy watching our videos as much as we enjoy making them مرحبا بكم في Jdi sports كل شيء عن كرة القدم نحن ننتج مقاطع فيديو لكرة القدم لأفضل اللاعبين في جميع أنحاء العالم انشر الرسالة. أنشر الحب. نأمل حقًا أن تستمتع بمشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا بقدر ما نتمتع بصنعها