Sailing adventures of Psycho Skipper


With over 27,000 Nautical miles of experience and 1,700 sea days and nights on the water. We are now providing skippered charters and yacht deliveries. I am an RYA Skipper and ICC International Competent Captain, currently working on my RYA, Yacht Master with a Commercial endorsement for a 200 ton vessel. I am an Open Water Certified diver and completed various CYA & Canadian Power and Sail Squadron certifications which include Power/Sailboat handling, Seamanship Sail, Piloting/charting, CYA Coastal Navigation, GPS Navigation and Extended Offshore Cruising.

Beyond The Glass Slipper Podcast


Welcome to Beyond the Glass Slipper Podcast! Beautiful Friend, just because you're functional, doesn't mean you're ok. Past narcissistic abuse sabotaged how you see yourself, relate to God, and tackle important goals. You've been hurt, but YOU refuse to give up. We can help you use what you've been through to grow and win. In the Cinderella story, her real name was "Ella". The narcissist in Ella's life labeled her Cinder-Ella to make her believe she was nothing and nobody. We know you’re a unique somebody, called by God to make an impact in this world. CinderElla’s glass slipper was symbolic of stepping into her new life. You broke free of the narcissist and stand at the crossroads of a new journey, so how do you move down the right path? Beyond the Glass Slipper Podcast is your morning boost of insight and inspiration to help you take the next right steps and become the best version of yourself. It’s part of your CinderElla journey of transformation and triumph! Meet your hosts Annette Chesney and Wendy Ockers… Annette is an expert in narcissistic abuse recovery and creator of the CinderElla No More Coaching Program. She helps Christian businesswomen become their strongest, happiest, most successful self after narcissistic abuse. Wendy is an Executive Coach helping high achieving businesswomen restore balance, lead well, and thrive as they navigate difficult work environments.

Skipper Gaming


Casual gamer streaming for fun and playing games for fun. No, I'm not a speedrunner, no I'm not a professional, no this isn't my day job, and no I don't want it to be. I play games a lot and decided to just try streaming one day, and turns out it was a lot of fun, so now I do it more! I won't stick to one game forever, so if you don't like the game I'm playing now, chances are you'll like the next one. The game I'm most hyped for right now is Starfield, so expect TONS of content around that game when it comes out in September! I'm learning this whole system as I go, so give me some grace! If there are cool features you think I should know about, please let me know! I'll look into them and try to implement some. Generally live 2-3 times per week, but there is no set schedule. Follow for alerts when I go live and come say hello! Building a relaxed, chill, and friendly community that wants to just have fun is the goal. Please don't come in with comments such as, "What's the point of playing single player?", "You don't know anything about X game", or "Why are you so slow?". It's fun for me to explore games and experience all they have to offer, so yes, I will be going slow and doing optional side quests and objectives. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries! There are plenty of speedrunners out there for you to follow! Otherwise, the viewer rules are simple: be chill, don't backseat (one of my biggest pet peeves!), ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS EVER, and have some fun. You're never required to chat (lurkers welcome), but I'd love if you did! Ask me questions and give me something to talk to you about! At some point I'll figure out how to implement on screen donations/subscriptions alerts, so until then you just have to deal with me shouting you out. Sorry :/ Looking to try out streaming? Use my referral code ( and give it a shot! It's fun, and you lose nothing by trying it!