Steven Crowder
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The NUMBER ONE conservative late night comedy show!! Want to watch the full show every day? Join #MugClub!
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House Republican Whip. Dad. LSU & Saints fan. Proudly representing Louisiana’s First District.
YouTube's Favorite Pastor. 60+million views. Free Chapter from my next book GET PRAYERS ANSWERED: www.DiscoverChurch.Online/ipray Partners Club: www.DiscoverChurch.Online/give
Exploring The World
“𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚. 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚.” Dr. Steven Greer is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. For over 30 years, Dr. Greer has provided briefings for senior government officials across the globe, conducted numerous media interviews, and delivered hundreds of lectures. He has also written five books and produced feature film documentaries that have been seen by hundreds of millions of people. Dr. Greer’s relentless efforts towards the disclosure of classified UFO/ET information have inspired millions of supporters around the world, who all participate in the CE5 initiative. You can now watch Unacknowledged and Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind for FREE without a subscription on Tubi! 🎞 : Join Dr. Greer\\\'s Ambassador Program for exclusive, confidential information ℹ️ : All inquiries to 📧 :
Steven N. Gosney discusses crime, the law, and whatever else suits his fancy.
Analysis of the Information War being waged across the planet
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A daily evening talk show highlighting what really happens each night when the sun goes down.
Dr. Steven Greer
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日本精神を発信する『音楽外交使節団』 2012年10月、シーラ ・Eが⽴ち上げたStilettoflats Music (米国)より世界デビュー。 グラミー賞9回受賞のゴスペル界のキング、アンドレ・クラウチが 唯一プロデュースを手がけている『世界でたった一つのエンターテイメント一座 』。 ツインボーカルのマレ&クミコを中⼼に、ドラム、ベース、キーボード、サックスなどの洋楽器に、尺⼋、篠笛、和太鼓、津軽三味線などの和楽器を加えた総勢14名によって構成されている。 さらに殺陣や忍者、在米黒人ラッパーやタップダンサーなどが加わり壮⼤なステージが創り上げられる。 千古不易の日本のソウルと、HIP HOP / R&Bが融合し、GOSPELのスピリットで紡ぎ出されるマジックがここにある。 「民間音楽外交」事業として、アメリカ、台湾、アラブ首長国連邦(ドバイ)で、国際交流基金支援事業として、イスラエル、エチオピア、エリトリアで、公演を行い大好評を博す。 国内では、大和魂エデュテイメントと称してエンターテイメント(entertainment)でありながら、教育(education)として機能するLIVEイベント「BRIDGE」をプロデュース。 各回ごとのテーマに沿って、HEAVENESEの音楽と、まるで『講談師』のようだと評される座長マレのドキュメンタリー・トーク、そしてコントやスキットによる笑い、さらには、涙が溢れる感動秘話などの要素が複合的にからみあい、ドラマチックな歴史絵巻として展開する。 2011年の東日本大震災への支援活動にも取り組んでおり、被災地での演奏をはじめ、 2011年から3年にかけて続くアメリカツアーにおいても岩手県陸前高田市の後援を受け、 世界に向けた被災地の情報発信の一端を担っている。 HEAVENESE HEAVENESE オフィシャルファンクラブ HEAVENESE BRIDGE 後援会
That Park Place Graphics. Streamer. Graphic Artist for ValliantRenegade WDW_Pro REUSED CONTENT Fat Steven is sponsored by bad channel emojis. ━━━━━━━━ Epic Creator Code: FAT-STEVENSEAGAL ━━━━━━━━ PC MSI B550 Tomahawk Motherboard Ryzen 9 5900X AM4 96 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO SL @ 3600MHz GeForce RTX 4070TI 12GB Rode PodMic Cardioid Mic with Elgato XLR PS5. PS4. Nintendo Switch.
From the same guy on his "Think About It" channels, Steve is a truther that wants people to break free from the lies!
Steve Doocy currently serves as co-host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) FOX & Friends (weekdays 6-9AM/ET) alongside Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade. Doocy joined FNC in 1996 as a weather reporter and was named to the FOX & Friends role in 1998. The show soon climbed to the number one morning program in cable news within three years of his tenure and has remained so for 20 consecutive years. Every weekday morning, Doocy provides viewers with the latest news, political and entertainment headlines and engages in a variety of topical discussions with his co-hosts. Throughout his tenure at FNC, he has conducted interviews with a variety of newsmakers and celebrities, including former President Donald Trump, former President George W. Bush, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, then Senator Hillary Clinton, then Vice President Dick Cheney, then Vice President Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence, actress Jessica Alba, actor Rob Lowe and model Brooklyn Decker, among many others. In addition to his role on FOX & Friends, Doocy is the host of Cooking with Steve Doocy on FOX News Media’s streaming service FOX Nation. Before joining FNC, Doocy was co-anchor of WCBS-TV's Early Morning Newscast in New York, hosted Wake Up America on NBC's then cable network America's Talking and anchored FOX's children's newsmagazine, Not Just News. He also hosted NBC's nationally syndicated program House Party from 1989 to 1990. He began his career as a feature reporter for WRC-TV (NBC) in Washington, DC. Throughout his career, Doocy has received 11 local EMMY Awards for feature coverage, as well as the Associated Press' Feature Reporter of the Year Award. He is the author of "Tales From the Dad Side: Misadventures in Fatherhood" and the New York Times bestsellers "The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook," "The Happy Cookbook" and "Happy in a Hurry Cookbook". He received his B.A. in journalism from the University of Kansas.
a collection of sermons and documentaries featuring great preaching that has been banned from youtube by preachers such as pastor steven anderson
Sharing TRUTH about the Cabal and the evil that permeates the World we live in.
Dr. Steven Greer is renowned for his dedication to disclosing classified UFO and extraterrestrial information. Over the past 30 years, he has briefed senior government officials worldwide, conducted hundreds of interviews, press conferences, and lectures. As the author of five books and the producer of documentaries seen by millions, he continues to educate people on peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations, the world of UFOs and UAPs, CE5 contact protocols, meditation techniques, and the transformative power of free energy. Dive into our discussions on Close Encounters, Unacknowledged, the Lost Century, and other documentaries, movies, and trailers. His podcasts with Patrick Bet David, Shawn Ryan, Danica Patrick, Logan Paul and other pioneers cover topics like remote viewing, ancient mysteries, Area 51, alien sightings, and advanced technology. ©STAR, LLC Dr. Steven Greer 2024, All Rights Reserved.
But Heaven is not remaining idle. God is warning us to prepare... not for the end of the world, but for the end of an era. Through His Son Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother He is preparing his wayward children for his ultimate act of divine intervention. He is preparing us for His final warning, an Illumination of Conscience.
extraordinary people talking about not-so-ordinary things- over tea.... I inspire human beings to become their full selves: "Activating Human Potential". Whether this be through developing psychic and spiritual gifts, your voice and sound frequencies, through acting, dance, writing, growing or envisioning- I am here, happily activating my full self for the benefit of humanity.
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