American Handgunner Magazine: Guns, Gear and Shooting


Got guns? We do! Welcome to the first magazine dedicated exclusively to handgunners. Whether you're just getting into shooting or a lifer looking for credible content from expert writers and producers, you're at the right place. We'll bring you the latest reviews and news on pistols, revolvers, holsters, ammunition, and shooting accessories. Add in some how-to advice on concealed carry, home defense, reloading your own ammunition, Second Amendment topics, and we're just getting started. Sit back and enjoy. Oh, and be sure to visit us at for more.

Il Profeta Dei Complottisti


Questo canale è unicamente creato a scopo didattico, tutti i video e i loro contenuti sono di proprietà dei loro rispettivi autori. In nessun caso ci riteniamo responsabili dei contenuti e i consigli indicati nei video qui caricati, altresì non garantiamo la loro veridicità. Il canale tratta diversi temi tra i quali satira, divertenti e parodie. Mi trovate su Instagram: **** Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

Hunting | Shooting | Fishing


Welcome to Bullets4Bucks YouTube channel. My name is Stephen. I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I started Bullets4Bucks to document my hunting adventures. We hunt bear, deer, elk, antelope and much more. Along with hunting videos we also produce firearm and gear reviews. Hope you enjoy the channel. I believe in the freedom to hunt and the 2nd Amendment. I hope to inspire the next generation to become advocates of hunting and the preservation of our public lands.

The Church Split


Here at The Church Split it’s our goal to promote unity through biblically discussing various topics and revisiting what Scripture has to say about it. We want to create conversation regarding these topics to help equip one another with sound theological positions while remaining united as the Body of Christ. We welcome discussion and conversations and only ask that we remain respectful and careful to reflect Christ’s character in all we do, especially when we disagree. In short, it’s our goal to unite the Body, not divide it. If you’d like to support our ministry, consider donating at:

BZ's Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show


Featuring right thinking from a left brain and formerly broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia (now originating in a Free State), BZ's Saloon is a late night talk radio show that pulls no punches. Let there be no mistake: I love my country, but abjure all Leftists, and anyone who won't put America and its lawful citizens first, obey the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and embrace due process. If that makes me an "extremist," then SO BE IT.