MamaBearsProject - It's okay to wait!


The Mama Bears Project is led by Police On Guard in collaboration with several organizations. The initiative was created to provide valuable and insightful resources for parents who have legitimate concerns about the lack of long-term safety data and inadequate studies for kids who aren’t an at-risk group for negative outcomes from the virus. The Mama Bears Project aims to help parents make informed decisions about their child’s health and connect parents with alternative education resources and learning pods within their community.

Worship Instrumentals


Sure! Here's a description suggestion for your channel "Soaking in His Glory: Worship Instrumentals": "Welcome to Soaking in His Glory: Worship Instrumentals. Our channel is dedicated to providing you with beautiful instrumental worship music to help you soak in the presence of God. Our music is carefully selected and composed to create an atmosphere of peace, adoration, and intimacy with the Lord. Whether you're looking for music to accompany your prayer time, meditation, or simply to help you unwind and relax, our channel has something for everyone. Join us as we soak in His glory through the power of worship music."

Tadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy


Tadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy. Założyciel Konsorcjum Medialnego: SZPONY MAFII Polska. Obecnie Dziennikarz Śledczy, Redaktor Naczelny SZPONY MAFII Polska Niezależnego Dziennikarstwa Śledczego. Licencja PL. nr. 1130/20. Niezależne Dziennikarstwo Śledcze, wspierane przez podmioty zewnętrzne Konsorcjum Medialne SZPONY MAFII Polska/ USA 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 email: SZPONY MAFII Polish Independent Investigative Media. BERLIN SZPONY MAFII Deutscher Correspondent 10623 Berlin Bundesstraße Ujawniam Układy Mafii, Oszustwa, mechanizmy działań zorganizowanych grup przestępczych, co ojczyźnie lojalność przyrzekali, a Mafii się sprzedali. Wywiady, Reportaże, Transmisje na żywo, ujawnianie materiałów dowodowych, w tym i ten dotychczas objętych tajemnicą. Działam w interesie interesu społecznego, jego bezpieczeństwa, oraz pomocy poszkodowanym. Z wyrazami szacunku Tadeusz Kasprzak

Olive Tree Community Spokane


We are a congregation of Jews & Gentiles, called by His Spirit, seeking to understand the Torah and our Rabbi, Yeshua the Messiah. Videos are from our Shabbat services, including teaching from the Parasha/weekly Torah Portion, or general Biblical teaching by our congregational leader, Pr. Joe Gonzalez. Other videos may include music (lyric videos) used during the service. We are Torah honoring & delight in His Holy Days (Mo'edim) or Appointed Times. (Leviticus 23) It is our desire to follow Yeshua to deepen our relationship w/HaShem (G-d) and connect with others of Biblical faith, both Jew and Gentile, so we can worship as one new man. (Ephesians 2:15) As Gentiles, we are adopted & grafted into the Olive Tree, the commonwealth of Israel, and are heirs to the promise. (Romans 11:17-24, Ephesians 2:11-13) It is Yeshua who saves us, for He is the eternal, final Sacrifice, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). We are saved by G-d's grace, through faith in Yeshua. (Ephesians 2:8-9)