Sirius Times Media Verified


Sirius Times Media is the primary online streaming channel for Along with its sister channel, TAOS TV - The Ark of Sothis video Archives, Sirius Times Media has one of the largest catalog of Black consciousness and cultural videos available on the internet or anywhere else. We are the evolution of "The Mental Liberation Posse" a network of bookstores and other organizations who produced, shared, and marketed the information to our communities around the country and abroad. Now we are able to share our programming like we never could before and we want to make the information we have held in trust available to a new generation. The evolution of consciousness continues... And so it is... so mote it be. Become a member of our community:

Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue


Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue is a multi-dimensional energy intuitive, seer and channel offering a grounded and heart-based perspective on various extra-ordinary topics. She is also an experiencer of both benevolent - and not so benevolent - extraterrestrial contact and a survivor of various dark ops programs including the SSP. PRIVATE READINGS, COACHING, HEALING SESSIONS, LIGHT LANGUAGE & MORE: "Everything you need for the journey lies within you. Develop your own consciousness to know the truth and be free. Find your heart and serve others the way it was intended. This is to truly serve one's own destiny and the frequency of Unity."