Liberty Forum Of Silicon Valley Verified


We are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. ​ We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.



A deeper dive into Silver, Gold, Platinum, Precious Metals Mining Stocks, World Events & a Touch of Humor. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE: Informational purposes only!! You Can Donate to RONS BASEMENT Here: THANK YOU! You Can Donate To *COIN SHOP CHRIS* Here: THANK YOU! --RONS BASEMENT "MERCH"-- 'Blindfolded BEAR' T-Shirts, Hats, Cups, etc... CONTACT: #silver, #silverprice, #gold, #goldprice, #ronsbasement, #stockmarket, #economy, #platinum, #federalreserve, #fed, #financialcrisis, #stackingsilver, #silverstacking, #goldmines, #wallstreet, #Goldandsilver, #silverandgold, #goldvssilver, #preciousmetals, #goldminingstocks, #silverstocks, #housingmarket, #crypto, #cryptocurrency, #crash, #stockmarket, #foodshortages, #bitcoin, #jeromepowell, #stagflation, #usdebt, #bullion, #economiccrisis, #prepper, #dedollarization, #stockmarketcrash #inflation

Rescueing Dogs, Investing & Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver!!!


Investing and Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold & Silver to Rescue Dogs Off The Street and Start a Sancturary/Rehabilitation! I am currently an Operations Manager and Volunteer Dog Rescuer. I have a Project Management Practitioner Certification and Bachelor\\\'s of Science in Business. My ultimate goal is to open a dog/animal sanctuary. A non-profit organization is the key to living my dream and Cryptocurrency will be involved every step of the way! If you have a big heart and love Dogs and Crypto, please subscribe! Keep Up The Grind!

Silver and Black Today - Your Premier Las Vegas Raiders Podcast


Immerse yourself in the heart of NFL action with Silver and Black Today, the quintessential podcast for all things Las Vegas Raiders. As an Audacy Original Podcast, this show stands out as the ultimate source for the most current news, expert analysis, and passionate discussions surrounding the iconic Raider Nation. Dive into a world where every play, every decision, and every moment is dissected and celebrated by the dynamic duo of Scott Gulbransen and Moe Moton. Whether craving the latest team updates, seeking in-depth reviews of off-field strategies, or longing to connect with fellow fans, Silver and Black Today is your year-round ticket to the most comprehensive and engaging coverage of your beloved Raiders. Join us as we live and breathe the excitement of the Silver and Black – where true fandom never takes an offseason.