Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense
80,880 FollowersRudy Giuliani gives insight on leadership, courage and the most pressing issue of our time.
Rudy Giuliani gives insight on leadership, courage and the most pressing issue of our time.
Videos that Teach the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Peter Demos is the author of “On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience” and the host of the podcast “Uncommon Sense in Current Times.” A Christian business leader from Tennessee, Demos uses his biblical perspective and insight gained from his own struggles to lead others to truth and authenticity in a broken world. To learn more, visit
Rage Against the Mainstream News Media
The Unadulterated truth
Common Sense News That Matters
Support us on Patreon Hard Lens Media is a Chicago-based, independent media organization established in 2017, covering national and local news, grassroots organizations, and political issues. We focus on groups, events, and individuals that do not typically have access to media coverage, to create a more informed public. Starting with radio, Hard Lens Media provided coverage of local activists and events, as well as commentary on national and international news, via cable access television, community radio, podcasting, Facebook, and YouTube. Over the years, HLM eventually moved to full-time video streaming and now produces multiple shows on its YouTube, Rumble, Rokfin, Odysee, and Kick accounts In a majority of its Livestream Content. Please visit their Channel.
Each week, Drew Allen makes new converts to the cause of liberty and freedom with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.
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Exposing the matrix that we call live.
Variety Show / Talk Show
"Eye-Opening Perspectives with a Latter Day Saint Twist!"
Where passionate patriots gather to learn and share the truth Host: Drago Reid Greetings, fellow seekers of the unknown, and welcome everyone to the “Portal to Another Dimension” podcast, and you've just stepped into the portal. I’m Drago Reid, your Host and formidable navigator through the cosmic mysteries that lie beyond the depths of our understanding, and the uncharted and unexplored territories of truth. So sit back and enjoy the ride as I peel back the veil of reality, where each episode becomes your portal to unlocking forbidden knowledge, the secrets within, and the keys to awakening that lie dormant within you. Buckle up my friends, because everything you thought you knew will change from this moment on, as I unravel and unweave the threads to the cosmic play and this convoluted multiverse. Welcome to Humans 2.0. Welcome to the new reality. Now before we deep dive into the depths of the cosmos, let me share the genesis of why I created this podcast. While being a truth and consciousness seeker most of my life, this has unfortunately made me a target from the government, as I’m the result of illegal and unacknowledged government programs. Through the power of my voice, they’ve shadow-banned, de-platformed, and deleted me so many times, that no matter what they do, I always come back with a vengeance, as I will no longer be silenced. Stepping forward like this comes with its dangers and risks, including death. I will no longer live in fear and stand idly by, as I watch the world implode on itself as truthers like me are vanished faster than a blink of an eye with a simple push of a keystroke from behind a computer, or the echo of a 45. My two Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body journeys, triggered by a violent motorcycle crash hitting a wall at 120 miles per hour, and another car crash, totaling my Honda S2000 drift car, resulted in severe brain damage, many broken bones, and a legal diagnosis of “Traumatic Brain Injury - Post Amnesic Disorder with Retrograde Amnesia, and a form of Savant Syndrome”, which inadvertently rewired the neurons and axons in my brain, and as a result of that head trauma, fortuitiosly gave me unexpected side effects involving numerous cognitive upgrades, a dramatic boost in IQ, claircognizance, and a unique ability to perceive time in slow motion, allowing me to see over 200 frames per second at any given time, while the average person accesses only 24-60 frames per second. With this super power and newly found faculty, I can see and process time faster than 99% of the entire planet, as evidenced in my Neuropsychological evaluation test, proving these abilities on record. Thats means I can see what others cannot. Embedded codes and patterns, micro expressions, anomalies, frequency changes, heart rate fluctuations, lies; these are just a few of the gifts bestowed upon me. That makes me a quantum wizard like Dr. Strange, as we have the same abilities. Follow me down the rabbit hole as I decode the universe's secrets, one guest at a time. Witness the magic of what a bump on the head can do, as we journey together and uncover the hidden truth behind the magicians trickery. Explore with me the whispers of ancient civilizations, from Anunnaki to Atlantis, as I unravel esoteric knowledge collected from a lifetime of study. This expedition into the unknown does comes with risks. All great journeys do. Discover the hidden dangers as we navigate through the minefield of suppressed history, secret societies, and mind-bending conspiracies. I will teach you how to identify symbolism, the real subconscious language of the gods, hidden and displayed openly to the masses everywhere you look, but only the few adepts will see the hidden codes, reshaping their reality. Join me in exploring the secrets of extraterrestrials, and the elusive Unacknowledged Special Access Programs controversy. Through riveting interviews with luminaries, insiders with classified knowledge, whistleblowers daring to speak the truth, archeologists unearthing ancient secrets, experts in classified government programs, pioneers, and artists, shaping and molding the very material of this holographic universe, we together, illuminate the shadows from those who conceal the truth from the public. As a Secret Space Program SPEC ops experiencer, MILAB abductee, and polymath, my journey spans ufology, astrobiology, exo-politics, consciousness, the quantum realm, and much, much more, drawing from over two decades of professional deep dive study and worldwide travel, spanning 18 countries, and my lifelong involvement in the Monarch/MK-ULTRA program since a child, made famous in the Stranger Things and Fringe series. Being a trauma deprogrammer for Project MK-ULTRA, Monarch, and various other illegal government programs, using Dolores Cannon’s - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT, I navigate the astronomical tapestry arming myself with adept research and deep investigation into unacknowledged realms, allowing me heal, re-integrate, and release trauma from clients like no other has done before. “Portal to Another Dimension” isn't your average podcast; it's a gateway to the unknown, and is a risky venture into realms that some want to keep hidden. They will keep these secrets at all costs. This isn't a journey to the stars; it's a plunge into the depths of truth and the human soul. Step into the portal with me, where every episode unfolds a new chapter in the cosmic saga. And remember, together, we are the resistance, together, we will defeat them. The portal is opening, and your mind and frequency is now attuned. Are you ready to step through it?
Videos from What I say to you, I say to everyone: "Watch" Mark 13:37
Angler Born, Quality Built
News and Opinion of todays news
Hello all hope you havent burned your bagels today. This is a collection of Shorts, Stories, Tails, you know the Good Stuff. Hope you enjoy Like and Sub to help out the channel! Thanks And if there is more of one type of content you would like to see more of drop me a message or comment really I read them all! For alot more content check out some of our other videos!
9ème Dimension, souhaite partager avec vous honnêtement et à cœur ouvert, nos observons et connaissance des évènements qui se produisent devant nos yeux. Si les « grands médias » faisaient leur travail correctement, nous n’aurions pas comme tant d’autres, le besoin de construire des plateformes, avec cette énergie consacrée à ce souhait fervent de questionner la vérité, au niveau de nos observations et de nos compréhensions. Nous pourrions choisir de fermer les yeux et avoir l’illusion de ne plus voir, ne serait-ce que pour nous-mêmes. Mais le monde s’assombrit toujours plus et le regarder ainsi se perdre dans les méandres obscurs est accablant, sans doute parce que nous avons encore une certaine conscience et un peu d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'humanité. Devant le mal qui sévit, se taire est un crime. Pourrions nous une fois encore nous tenir droit et inébranlable dans notre vie ? Quel honneur de participer humblement à cette grande bataille « entre le bien et le mal », au cours de cette grande époque. Une chance d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'être témoin d’un nouveau siècle qui au devant nous illumine et nous guide. Nous espérons cheminer avec vous jusqu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'au jour ultime, lorsque la lumière se révèlera pleinement, pour nous éclairer de toute sa splendeur!!!
The evolution of Homo Sapience has intentionally been meddled with, thus creating new species, Homo Interruptis (Human Interrupted). I dedicate this channel to studying it.
Emotional Healing Any Lifetime And Present Life. Super Soldier, Milabs, Men In Black, MkUltra And Anything Else That Wants To Be Healed.
Raised in a broken home, battled addictions, jailed at 18, bankrupt at 21 only to turn everything around. 16 years sober, beautiful wife, two kids, podcaster, speaker, & now helping entrepreneurs get known and noticed online!\n\nOur shows are released EVERY Friday!
Welcome to DLM Men's Lifestyle where we talk about all things MEN and more!!! I'm excited you're here to explore the world of men from a biblical perspective. My name is Daniel Maritz, and my mission is to cultivate a community of robust men who aspire to enhance not only themselves but also the lives of those around them.
’The Mighty Pen’ is a pun mused from the metonymic-quotation by Edward Bulwer-Lutton: “The pen is mightier than the sword”. You can help me via my Bitcoin address- 34CySodMgctbXUQPUZNZJ1VUBRDDTiP3k6
Homesteading in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
An American born Cuban raised, Man, sharing critical thought and insight OTHER CHANNELS: BRIGHTEON : PODCASTS: SUBSTACK : SPOTIFY : APPLE : MERCHANDISE STORE: BRIGHTEON:
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