

“For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the LORD of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet On the day that I do this, ” Says the LORD of hosts. “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

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We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos. ............... Daily upload android gameplay videos. ............... Our videos are always of the best quality. ............... Show your love for us and watch the video and enjoy the best time on our channel.

Servant of the Most High


We are all created in the image of our Creator (Bara), Abba YaHUaH. He, the Infinite, sent His Son to become the Gateway through which all men must enter through in order to enter eternity with the Infinite Father. As a creation, I appropriately serve My Creator, and this channel is where I teach the Wisdom that has been bestowed upon Me from Above. Shalom Mishpacha, may Abba YaHUaH bare you and keep you abiding in His Torah as YaHUsha was the living example of obedience for Us.

The Serpent's Wisdom: with Dr. Ray Taylor


Welcome to The Serpent's Wisdom, the official podcast and news channel hosted by Dr. Ray Taylor. Here, we explore the intersections of politics, religion, and personal freedom, offering in-depth analysis and thought-provoking discussions that challenge the status quo. From breaking news and historical insights to deep dives into current events and global issues, this channel is your destination for uncovering the truths behind power, governance, and belief systems. Dr. Ray Taylor brings a unique perspective to every episode, blending his expertise in religious studies with a commitment to freedom and sovereignty. Join us as we tackle controversial topics, expose propaganda, and foster meaningful conversations about the world we live in. Whether you're a seeker of truth, a lover of liberty, or someone questioning the narratives around us, The Sovereign Voice is your platform for uncensored, intelligent discourse.

David Servant


David has served for more than 40 years in vocational ministry, pioneering and pastoring three churches during 20 of those years, and personally ministering in more than fifty of the world’s nations. He is the Founder and President of Heaven's Family, a Christian nonprofit organization that is advancing Jesus' kingdom throughout the world. Through strategic partnerships, Heaven’s Family invests in (1) reaching the unreached with the gospel, (2) discipling Christ’s followers, and (3) serving the suffering—particularly those whom He referred to as the “least of these” (Matt 25:31-46, 28:19-20).