Kim Clement - House Of Destiny Verified


Welcome to the OFFICIAL Kim Clement Rumble Channel! House of Destiny, Kim Clement Center is a non-profit organization that focuses on making a global impact on Christ’s message of hope. Using music and modern technology to cross-cultural, social and political barriers, we are able to reach every continent. Our mission is to reach out with God’s message of hope and love to all who will hear it, regardless of their place in life. We reach the lost, the hurt and broken, the cynical and jaded, the forgotten, the rejected, the rich and the poor alike. We do not bring discrimination or judgment, but inspire hope through an uplifting message, bringing restoration to life and the future, and often healing from the past. email us at

Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight—Republican Majority Verified


The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.

American Handgunner Magazine: Guns, Gear and Shooting


Got guns? We do! Welcome to the first magazine dedicated exclusively to handgunners. Whether you're just getting into shooting or a lifer looking for credible content from expert writers and producers, you're at the right place. We'll bring you the latest reviews and news on pistols, revolvers, holsters, ammunition, and shooting accessories. Add in some how-to advice on concealed carry, home defense, reloading your own ammunition, Second Amendment topics, and we're just getting started. Sit back and enjoy. Oh, and be sure to visit us at for more.

Hunting | Shooting | Fishing


Welcome to Bullets4Bucks YouTube channel. My name is Stephen. I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I started Bullets4Bucks to document my hunting adventures. We hunt bear, deer, elk, antelope and much more. Along with hunting videos we also produce firearm and gear reviews. Hope you enjoy the channel. I believe in the freedom to hunt and the 2nd Amendment. I hope to inspire the next generation to become advocates of hunting and the preservation of our public lands.

The Off Grid Tiny House


Subscribe To The Off Grid Tiny House Get My Live Videos here - Help Support Me Here - Daily Vlog Of My Off Grid Adventure The Off Grid Tiny House. The off grid homestead is all about tiny house life. Its also like an off grid cabin. Not yet in the woods I still need to purchase my own land. The off grid solar homestead will have no power unless provided by the sun. Join as I convert a 48" transport trailer into a mortgage free off grid tiny house! With a limited budget see what is truly possible for comfortable living off the grid. Follow me as I slowly build my homestead with videos posted every few days featuring a wide array of topics like... Off Grid living, Solar Power & Solar Panels wiring construction and more. I want to add Wind Power maybe a Wind Turbine. Rain Harvesting on the roof of my Tiny House is a major part of my plans. Rain Catching on the Homestead as well as Water Storage and Water Treatment. I want to eventually become Self Sufficient. It will be a difficult task but a noble goal. Prepping is also a major feature of my off grid living. Preparing for the worst. My Transport Trailer is amazing so far and I cant believe I have never seen homes built with them before. Other topics covered on my channel... Recycling Reusing products for other then one purpose. Tiny House living and is it really a good idea. Tiny Home pros and cons. Gravity Fed Water system and how it will work in my home. DIY building projects of all sorts. Organic food production and indoor growing. My progress and struggles living in a Small House. Affordable tips and tricks. I am a big fan of Conspiracy. So expect me to talk about these subjects at some point. rob mc Construction Wood Updates Off Grid Homesteader Tiny House on Wheels World Mini apartment Review Inverters Battery Batteries Charge Controller Harbor Freight Propane Tour Join my Face Book Group Below for even more updates. Twitch

The Happy Wife School


I am a former unhappy wife who emasculated my husband until I had an awakening that I was the problem in my marriage. Now, I teach other married women the journey of finding happiness within so they can evolve as women and wives. I also teach good men how to constructively navigate their wives' emasculating behaviors as a way to rebuild their strength and confidence as men. Tune in weekly for new videos with unconventional perspectives and marriage advice for women and good men.

New Templars Mystery School


We are a group of individuals who love spreading truth, wisdom, and knowledge of spirituality and science that have been hidden from the public in the present day and even from most of history! This channel is an affiliate of the New Templars and DSMP Nexus. A conglomerate of individuals and partners from other channels such as Junk-DNA. Come join our chats and have the opportunity to listen in live and even speak yourself and become a part of the Great Awakening. Links to Telegram, Rumble, Bitchute, Websites, etc. are in the description of the videos. Mystery School Telegram New Templars Links DSMP Links NT Rumble NT Telegram DSMP Website

The Green House - Irish Homestead


In 2022, after a growing desire to homestead, we decided it's now or never, reflecting on 'let your yes be yes and your no be no'. Within 24 hours we were stood in the garden of a property that would become our home. But first we had to sell our old house in Laois and get through all the challenges of buying a house that was technically not for sale. We wanted a home where we could be more self sufficient and plan for the future. Thank you for joining our journey with us! We will have hints and tips on: being off-grid in Ireland homesteading DIY and house restoration building growing food