Eastern Orthodox Daily Calendar


This channel is dedicated to everyday readings of the lives of the Eastern Orthodox saints. If you like it, please show your support by liking the videos, leaving a comment, and subscribing. All the saints, pray to God for us! Please note: The dates of the feasts, celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church, are marked with (N.S.) - "New Style". Этот канал посвящен ежедневным чтениям о житиях святых православной церкви. Если вам понравились видео, прошу поддержать канал лайками, комментариями и подпиской. Всии святые, молите Бога о нас! Примечание: даты памяти святых, празднуемые Русской Православной Церковью, обозначены пометкой "по новому стилю" (по н. ст.).

Stacy Arnold


Stacy Arnold is a concert artist, recording artist, and educator located in Dallas, Tx. whose concert performances have been described as "a variety of guitar music, stylistically pleasing in every way" by concert presenters. Stacy Arnold serves as Professor of Classical Guitar Studies at Dallas Baptist University. Mr. Arnold holds a Master of Music degree in performance from Southern Methodist University where he studied under the tutelage of nationally renowned performer and teacher Robert Guthrie. Mr. Arnold has been applauded by audiences and critics for his innate musicianship, virtuosic performances, and beautiful tone. "Stacy Arnold is a talented and polished performer whose love for music and the guitar shows through every note and every piece he plays. His repertoire includes excellent music from the Renaissance to the present time, all of which he plays with style and dedication". Robert Guthrie (Professor of Guitar Studies, SMU) Website: www.stacyarnoldguitar.com