

For product reviews please contact me by email: (! ATTENTION ! I HAVE NO managers and other email !!!) ******************************* Вейпинг (вейп, парение) - это не безопасно! Необходимо и важно знать, что никотин вызывает привыкание и не предназначен для тех, кому меньше 18-ти лет. Устройство из обзора ТОЛЬКО для тех, кто уже курит или потребляет другие никотиновые продукты. Всё что сказано мною, является сугубо моим мнением и не является призывом к действиям! Я человек и мне свойственно ошибаться! Я открыт к сотрудничеству, ваши предложения отправляйте мне на email: Я не являюсь продавцом или заинтересованным лицом. Мои обзоры являются честными и непредвзятыми. На моем канале не приветствуется нецензурная брань, обсуждение других людей, обсуждение религиозных принадлежностей и разжигание межнациональных споров. За несоблюдение этих правил последует блокировка вашей персоны на моем канале!

Vapers Brazil


Canal sobre cigarro eletrônico ou e-cig ou vapes e seus afins, como: Atomizadores , MODs, RDA, RTA, Drippers, e-juice, e-liquids, baterias 18650, coils, tanks, sub ohms, coils SS316, clapton wire, Ni200 wire and coils, Ti coils, Kanthal, Nickel, Titanium Atomizer, Ceramic cell, Stainless Steel. Resolvi criar este canal pela dificuldade em achar informações sobre o assunto, principalmente em português. Sou formado em eletrônica e fui fumante durante mais de 20 anos. Por estes dois motivos acabei me interessando pelo assunto e mexo com ele desde 2007, quando os E-cigs foram lançados nos Estados Unidos. Não se esqueça de se inscrever no Canal !!! Obrigado. ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter:http s:// ▶ Instagram :

The Salford Vaper TSV


Hello and welcome to The Salford Vaper, reviews of everything nicotine vaping related. I'm David The Salford Vaper based in Salford Greater Manchester UK and I just want to welcome you to the channel. If your a company looking to have your products reviewed please do contact me by email at This Video and channel is intended for 18 years and older UK, 21 Years and older USA. Disclaimer and dedication is at the end of this video. Any company wanting a review can contact me by email.



Welcome to Reapers Horror, a channel devoted to bringing you the stuff nightmares are made of! Here you will find blood-curdling horror narrations and scary stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. What sets the channel apart from the rest? It's not just a commitment to delivering hair-raising content; it's a passion for storytelling. Delve deep into the realms of the macabre, and experience captivating tales that will haunt your dreams. 💀What to Expect💀 Terrifying Tales: From classics told in new and unique ways, to completely original narratives, delve deep into unimaginable horrors that will leave you trembling with fear. Haunting Narrations: Reaper, and his friends, will guide you through the darkest recesses of these stories with their chilling voices and impeccable storytelling skills. Bizarre Extras: You’ll get more than just frightening tales, but also ghoulish originals you won’t find anywhere else. If it’s creepy or weird this is the place to find it.