Sapiential Sage


Mind-Stimulating quotes & facts that are brought to life. Subscribe to stimulate your mind. At Sapiential Sage, I believe that quotes/facts deserve to be brought to life. To ensure that my videos have a personal touch they are voiced by yours truly and not generated by AI voiceovers. My channel is a treasure trove of inspiration and wisdom, with quotes from a diverse range of sources, including actors, military personnel, writers, politicians, artists, musicians, philosophers, scientists, entrepreneurs and even comedians. In addition, do not forget to check out my Podcast, Sapiential Wanderlust! If you enjoy my content, don't forget to subscribe, like, and share. And be sure to leave a comment with your favourite quotes - who knows, they may even be featured on my channel! To stay connected beyond YouTube, check out the links below for access to all of my social media platforms. Join my community of like-minded individuals and let's inspire each other to greatness!



Benvenuti, qui si ricerca indietro nella storia e nel profondo della coscienza umana per ritornare alle origini, riscoprire le radici che ci legano tutti e attraverso cui si tramanda una conoscenza ancestrale, un tempo propria di tutti noi ma che poi è stata presa e resa prerogativa soltanto di un gruppo ristretto di persone. Archeologia, Storia, Esoterismo, Alchimia, Sincretismo, Antropologia, Alimentazione naturale e scienze naturali e tanto altro. Ps non si ha la pretesa di raccontare la verità assoluta ma soltanto il mio modo di intendere, vedere e sentire la realtà in cui viviamo. Grazie e Buon Viaggio 💚



Welcome, here we search back in history and in the depths of human consciousness to return to the origins, rediscover the roots that bind us all and through which an ancestral knowledge is handed down, a time proper to all of us but then it was taken and made the prerogative of only a small group of people. Archaeology, History, Esotericism, Alchemy, Syncretism, Anthropology, Natural Food and Natural Sciences and much more. Ps does not claim to tell the absolute truth but only my way of understanding, see and feel the reality in which we live. Thank you and have a good trip