Fine Art Instructor


This channel is for the serious art student who wants to learn how to draw and oil paint. Jason has been called "One of the foremost western, wildlife and historical Native American painters." In this channel Jason will post insightful oil painting tips with clear explanations on subjects like how to mix colors and flesh tones, how to understand color and value, creating good compositions, human anatomy, what type of brushes and materials to use, oil painting technique and so on. Rather than pay hundreds or thousands of dollars buying all kinds of videos or taking workshops, learn what the oil painting masters know here on this channel! The community is urged to comment and even request ideas for future videos. "My hope is this will become a positive interactive community of artists who help each other to grow and thrive in their craft." --Jason Tako



El objetivo de este canal es presentar la verdadera cara de la industria farmacéutica que es uno de los pilares fundamentales del sionismo global para el sometimiento de todos los pueblos del planeta mediante la destrucción de la salud y posterior dependencia de sus productos "medicinales". Esta industria fue el principal tentáculo en la creación y ejecución de la plandemia del covid19. Demostrar como es el fraude mas grande de la historia de nuestra presente civilización, todo con el objetivo de instaurar un gobierno mundial totalitario donde cada uno de los seres humanos será un esclavo listos para ser ofrecido en holocausto de fuego al demiurgo.

Dressage rider, instructor and vlogger for Cape Town, South Africa


Hi guys! My name is Mickey. I am a dressage rider, instructor and vlogger for Cape Town, South Africa. My warmblood gelding and I compete in Dressage South Africa Medium level. We started out as a Prelim combination, and worked our way up through the grades together. The struggles and successes we have experienced as a team further fuel my passion to make horse riding more accessible to the general public. We show you everything from how to put on, fit and care for your bridle, saddle and boots, to how you can plan your very own freestyle; daily motivational videos that are not only aimed at dressage riders, but to all riders, and just people who need a pick-me-up in general; and vlogcasts with industry experts that give you in-depth views. Thank you so much for joining me on this exciting journey. https://www.glorioushorizonsequestria...