Bode Lang


Bode Lang, Conservative content creator and grew tired of being censored by YouTube. Moving my channel to Rumble \n\nMore Links:\\\n\nThe website, is the ultimate hub to find Conservative content from across the web. Whether you want to look up Facts, Stats, Studies, and insights for research papers or simply to prove your liberal friend wrong, can help make it easier to find\n\nChannel link:\\\n\nWritings:\n\nTwitter @Bode_Lang\n


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"Welcome to our enchanting world of timeless romance! Our YouTube channel is a haven dedicated to celebrating the beauty of love through captivating and heartwarming stories. Join us as we delve into the depths of love's many facets, weaving tales of passion, connection, and enduring relationships. From whimsical encounters to profound connections, each video on our channel is a journey into the essence of love, set against diverse backdrops and charming narratives. Get ready to be swept away by heartfelt tales, explore the intricacies of human connections, and be inspired by the magic of love that transcends time and barriers. Join us on this beautiful journey of love, where every story is a testament to the power and beauty of heartfelt connections."


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公務員というよりヤクザのようだった!と言われた現代版 大島 清治がお送りいたします。 公務員歴約20年。一般社会に放り出され現在に至るまで様々な社会を垣間見る事となる。 政界からアウトローに至るまで酸いも甘いも見てきた漢! 現代社会の闇などについてメスを入れる。 現在の日本を取り巻く諸問題、情勢にとても危惧しております。 #アウトロー #時事 #情勢 #軍事 #ニュース