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Homestead Prowlers


We are the Homestead Prowlers ~ That's Floki, Zoe, Otis, Momma and PawPaw. Us cats are homestead cats and obligate carnivores. Floki: Born April 2018 ~ The wise one who is teacher and watches over the others. Zoe: Born March 2018 ~ The sweet one who is a homebody that loves snuggling. Otis: Born May 2019 ~ The little clown of the family and master hunter. These videos are all about the Prowlers daily lives which over time will tell a story. We hope you love them as much as we do. Momma is the creator of this whole shin dig. She looks for the beauty in life to share. Having said that, she will not hide our true personalities as homestead cats. We are who we are which includes that we go outdoors, we get into scraps and we hunt. We live at Pure Glory Homestead. Nice to meet you!