2,753 FollowersNiezbędne linki do sociali itp: 💥LINKI - ___________________________ 💲 Donate StreamElements: 💲 Donate Tipply: 🎮Twitch - 🎥YouTube - 📷Instagram - 🔊Discord - 👤fanpage - _________ 🎥odysee - 🎥bitchute - 🎥steemit - 🎥CDA -
Vinicius Carrion
1,942 FollowersCansado das pautas esquerdistas: roubalheira, destruição da família, “Nós contra eles”, doutrinação e a bandidolatria
974 FollowersMichael Tsarion Official Channel on Rumble
602 FollowersOrionTrainingGroup
394 FollowersAvalerion Awakes
315 FollowersNederlands\\\\n\\\\nAvalerion Awakes is een initiatief dat is ontstaan nadat het duidelijk werd dat er een groeiende en alarmerende mate van censuur in het Westen is ontstaan sinds het begin van de coronapandemie. Waarbij zelfs artsen en wetenschappers grootschalig worden gecensureerd en nauwelijks kunnen deelnemen aan het publieke debat op de mainstreamkanalen om het officiële narratief te bekritiseren en enige invloed op het coronabeleid te hebben.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMet een slogan als ‘Quest for Truth’ staat waarheidsvinding altijd voorop, waarbij vrijheid van pers en vrijheid van meningsuiting de basis vormen. Toegang tot informatie staat hoog in het vaandel, zodat mensen in staat zijn om zelf onderzoek te doen en hun eigen conclusies te trekken.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMet een academische achtergrond op het gebied van moleculaire biologie & biochemie, past het initiatief ook een academische aanpak toe in de onderzoeken die het publiceert. Het initiatief richt zich m.n. op de coronapandemie en probeert om onderdrukte en gecensureerde informatie boven tafel te krijgen en op een overzichtelijke manier te presenteren, met een brede kijk op globaal niveau. Het werk wordt altijd zoveel mogelijk ondersteund met bronnen die ter beschikking worden gesteld aan de kijkers en lezers.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nEnglish\\\\n\\\\nAvalerion Awakes is an initiative that started after it became apparent that a growing and alarming degree of censorship has emerged in the West since the start of the corona pandemic. Where even doctors and scientists are being censored on a large-scale and can barely participate in the public debate on the mainstream channels to criticize the official narrative, nor have any influence on corona policy.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nWith a slogan like \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Quest for Truth\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', truth-finding is of paramount importance, with freedom of the press and freedom of expression at its core. Free access to information is of highest importantance, so people are able to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nWith an academic background in molecular biology & biochemistry, the initiative also applies an academic approach to the studies it publishes. The initiative focuses particularly on the corona pandemic and tries to uncover suppressed and censored information and to present it in an orderly manner, with a broad view on a global level. The work is always supported with as many references as possible, which are accessible to the viewers and readers.
Chanel Rion's Weekly Briefing
292 FollowersChanel Rion's unfiltered recap of the week's top headlines. Catch all her Opening Statements here and watch the entire show on OAN LIVE on Demand.
257 FollowersChi nasce leone non può morire pecora
Aliens and UFOs
255 FollowersThe Orion Lines
234 FollowersThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George Ragsdale
233 FollowersChurch Video Channel
182 FollowersSometimes funny, sometimes charming. Streaming on a whim, so catch me like a Shiny Pokemon! I play a variety of games including Monster Hunter, Smite, Soulsbornes, and a mix of Horror games!
The Voices of Orion Project
178 FollowersThe Voices of Orion Project is a grassroots UFO ET disclosure project for positive planetary change.
148 FollowersCenturions of Faith
144 FollowersI picked up my bible and read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and completely surrendered my life to Jesus Christ my personal savior who died for my sins and was crucified on the cross and was resurrected on the third day to save me and this time I finally had real longing and a heart of belief for Jesus Christ. This made everything I done wash away from me. I can tell you it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it a couple of years later. I felt a love I never have felt before, like a beaming light from my heart and I never felt so much love. I felt this warming sensation go through my body from my head to my feat and when I would walk outside I felt as if I had new Eyes everything was perfect and I loved Everybody.
143 FollowersThe Clarion Call: Reactions & Opinions
142 FollowersThis is the original channel started as the musings of two retired journalists, Corrin Strong and Howard Appell, on the state of the world in Feb. 2022. Unfortunately, Howard had to step away due to health issues in July of 2022. In Feb 2024, Corrin created a separate channel for his less political Music Reactions, but kept some music reactions and other videos that dealt with political subjects here. In December 2024, he re-named the channel "The Clarion Call," to match his current Substack and other columns he has been writing for the past 3 years, This channel reviews music by such artists as Tom MacDonald, Hi-Rez, Sampson and others that has a more political content. It also contains videos that have either been banned on our YouTube channel, or the unedited versions of videos that we did not judge would pass YouTube censorship. If you want to see more straight music reactions, please visit the "Old Men in Chairs Music Channel."
128 FollowersMarion Sigaut - Officiel
121 FollowersBienvenue sur la chaîne Rumble de Marion Sigaut. Abonnez-vous pour rester informé de la sortie de nouvelles vidéos.
92 FollowersBrionMcClanahan
85 FollowersReeni Mederos, Mysterion.TV
78 FollowersUnveiling Kingdom Mysteries with Reeni Mederos, Founder of Mysterion Expressions, Mysterion.TV and Mysterion Academy. Visit
The Book of Jude: The Acts of the Apostates - A Modern Day Clarion Call by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
67 FollowersThe book of Jude is a wake-up call to those on the brink of apostasy or exposed abundantly to it. Don\\\'t let the opportunities of God be treated with complacency. The saints of God are kept ones in Christ; He is able to keep us and present us faultless. Even if you are on the brink, keep yourself in the love of God. Don\\\'t let another day pass without thanking God for His grace, His mercy, and His love.
66 FollowersViserionYopi
55 FollowersCenturionArmsLLC
40 FollowersOrionSpectrum
40 FollowersAeropuertoorion2022
38 FollowersMysterionaut
32 Followers| Paranormal | UFO's | Ghosts | Mystery | Aliens | Sightings | Conspiracy | True Crime | Prophecies | Unsolved | Legends | Cryptids |
28 FollowersArionFergusonTV - Vlogs - Outdoor Recreation - Reviews
28 FollowersDescription Hello my name is Arion Ferguson All my life I have Loved the natural wild things about life, i’ve always loved to create videos and shoot photos. I love going on adventures and making memorable moments with friends and behind the camera with the audience, I hope one day I am able to help others throughout my videos and inspire people to get out and live free and happy and see the other things in life. To have adventures and to push the limits of our minds, ArionFergusonTV is more than just a video website or a channel it is the core of my spirt and my love for my fans and the natural wild world of the woods and the rivers and lakes. Enjoy life. Get outside. Make Friends. Make Memories. Create yourself and find your true self in the wild! #ArionFergusonTV #Outdoors My Good Friends That USED TO Help Me : Daniel Roberson , Austin Futch and sometimes Homeless Luke
26 FollowersorionIguanaHunter
25 FollowersMarion Insiders
24 FollowersAn inside look at the operations of local government
24 FollowersCenturione
23 FollowersOrion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
22 FollowersHi! I'm Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy, and welcome to my official Rumble channel. I'm an Autistic author, vlogger, podcaster, actor, keynote speaker and Autistic advocate based in Australia. I’m all about helping increase your level of understanding, acceptance and appreciation of Autistic people. For more visit