Galactic Historian


Andrew Bartzis is a Reiki master and Shaman with the unique ability of being able to access multiple Akashic Records at will. Known as the Galactic Historian, he is able to read and share individual, cultural, global, and galactic histories with those who come to him. As an active healer and psychic reader for nearly 20 years, his goal is to help the world around him by sharing information from a sacred neutral state. By sharing the power of contract revocations, he helps individuals reclaim their sovereign free will. You can learn more about soul contracts and Andrew's work at

Unrestricted Invasion with Brian O'Shea & JJ Carrell Verified


Unrestricted Invasion investigates and reports on the invasion of our country from the tactical view to the global, strategic view to unveil the impact, causes, and bad actors behind this catastrophe. With over 60+ years of collective experience in Border Security, Gov't and Military Intelligence, & ongoing investigations into the invasion at our borders & the traitors in our own country who are responsible. But most importantly, this show invites you to join our nationwide army of citizen detectives so you can be part of this fight to save America, rather than be a victim. Tune in and help us STOP this UNRESTRICTED INVASION! hosted by Brian O'Shea (@BrianOSheaSPI) and JJ Carrell (@jjcarrell14). Related Links:

Barbarian Mowz Verified


I'm Barbarian Mowz, the leader of the Barbarians clan! I play a LOT of niche games and I do whatever I want on this channel, but you can expect gaming, comic book talk, retro games, news about games I play, and reviews of games that I enjoy here. I don't have a concrete permanent schedule but 70% of the time you will be able to catch me between 12PM-4PM eastern if I'm streaming that day! Or not. Who knows? I'm a mid-20s Scientist with an Undergrad specializing in Game Design! I also have a lot of informal education on a wide variety of topics and am a lifelong student. Talk to me about gaming, science, science fiction, fantasy, politics, or even horror! I will openly share my opinion and openly listen to yours in good faith. Links to other Barbarians on Rumble: Barbarian Bullet - B. Nick D.R. - Kinny - Lesserdoom -