Mountain Rug Cleaning Verified


Hi I'm James This channel is all about finding the rugs no one else wants, restoring them back to their former glory and giving them to people who need and appreciate them. Normally the rugs come from disposal centres or people who have discarded the rugs outside. I will also clean anyone's rug that has been neglected but is wanted to be professionally cleaned to be used again. If you have a neglected rug that you would like professionally cleaned for FREE, please get in touch with you location and pictures of the rug to - Happy viewing James

Egg White


Sign the C.I.Ape 2 Petition To Get Mumkey and Eggy In The Film Big ups Poast and Guilded but I'm not linking my PoastTV or Guilded right now due to inactivity on those platforms. ODYSEE Join The EggyGram Telegram Channel for updates in case of mass flagging: Support The Stream: NEW DONATION SITE (TTS not being read allegedly fixed by changing voice selection on page) CashApp: $1eggwhite Venmo: @BigEDub BTC Donations Accepted At: 1JMBGM6HJrijBcvATSuog8QPMefEMPd1V7 XMR Address: 46xJXERTufR8bzbZVzrAxt3z6S5aApXtREjC8VqK17CtLHvyiHMTtCe6Hh4pWuF5xfb6vwUd7S7yyM9yTWAEEFgx5MFaz2M ETH Address: 0x0fEc31819d217c92E234a33Ad15Fe9ca1e233FbA (not MetaMask) FAQ: Snapchat: Thenewformula Twitter: BANNED ATM Fediverse: Instagram: SoundCloud: Steam Account: B-Net: Eggy # 11484 Height: 6ft About Me: I am an autistic now-employed man who lives in a basement (but am leaving soon) and likes funky rhythms and having fun on the internet. DIAMOND DICK STACK (CURES P0RN ED) L-Arginine Maca Zinc Pygeum Sunflower Lecithin

Brylan Riggs


Howdy Ya'll, I'm Brylan! I would LOVE for you to join this community by SUBSCRIBING and become one of our insider members! Make sure to comment on our videos because we really enjoy getting to know our subscribers. Love, -Brylan & Lisa Support us on Patreon: The Daily Grace Company has our FAVORITE Bible Study Tools: Follow us on Instagram:

World According To Briggs


Description This is an educational and entertainment channel that focuses on relocation, real estate, and travel. If you learn something and are entertained we have done our job. In case you don't know all 50 states: Alabama, Alaska Arizona, Arkansas California, Colorado Connecticut, Delaware Florida, Georgia Hawaii, Idaho Illinois, Indiana Iowa, Kansas Kentucky, Louisiana Maine, Maryland Massachusetts, Michigan Minnesota, Mississippi Missouri, Montana Nebraska, Nevada New Hampshire, New Jersey New Mexico, New York North Carolina, North Dakota Ohio, Oklahoma Oregon, Pennsylvania Rhode Island, South Carolina South Dakota, Tennessee Texas, Utah Vermont, Virginia Washington, West Virginia Wisconsin, Wyoming

The Ragged Patriot's salute to amazing americans


A page where any american can go, on one of those dark and dreary days, when the ai bots found the perfect thing to leaves you feeling hopeless and afraid, somehow knowing where to find the buttons normally only family should be able to divine.... these are my counters to those trolls and clockwork\'s dark manipulations, things that i find that can even give me hope and that reminds me every step they take towards blood and ash, the more people are jolted awake and come flocking back (i hope lol)... stay true, stay bright and remember millennials on down, im talking to you, our generations have perfect empathy but we have to remember that not just victims wear shoes but so do the wolves and if we can imagine what its like to be someone else in pain surely we can imagine the perpratrators joy and pretitory nature , surly we can imagine the possibility not everyone is good and one day what might happen if a leader stumbles into power corrupted, with evil in their heart... actions not words are all that matters, and if someones words never stay in one place maybe its time to stop counting on them to be where they say and wake the f UPPPPP!