Return to Christ

1 Follower

Worship and the Word is a podcast by Wes and Esther Shaw. We release videos worshiping and studying the Word of God. You can also listen to our podcast on all major platforms. Search for us in your podcast player, or go to Worship and the Word is brought to you by: Wesley G. Shaw, Ph.D. B.A., Wheaton College (Economics) Ph.D. California Coast (Economics) President, Shaw Corp., Morris, IL (retired) Co-Founder, Winners Ministry, Inc. Biblical Economist Adjunct Professor, International Biblical College, Jerusalem, Israel American Conservatory of Music, studied under James Dutton for marimba & Leo Sowerby for composition

The Returning Dove

1 Follower

- An evangelical mission to proclaim the "true" and "full" Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, to people from inland to the coast in northern England, with a heart to see them brought into the flock of the Kingdom of God. - An emphasis on representing God's truth creatively, yet in a simple and effective way without compromising it. - A mission that puts emphasis on evangelism, especially outdoor/street evangelism as well as other community outreaching beyond four walls.  - A mission that is seeking to create very simple fellowship points in "everyday places", whether indoors or outdoors, to allow people to come together wherever they are geographically or spiritually, on their flight with our Lord Jesus Christ. - A mission that is committed to ensuring that "sin" and "repentance" (as defined Biblically) is preserved and upheld, against the shifting sands of "culture" that undermines God's word.  - A mission with a fog horn, warning of the times we live in, with hope that all will come aboard the Ark of our Lord Jesus Christ today.

MoonHaven - A Return to the Olde Ways

1 Follower

I'm a 51-year-old Mom, Student of the Olde Ways, Blossoming Gardener and Herbalist, Backyard Homesteader and Prepper, Energy Alchemist, Waterfall Collecting, Tree Hugging, Flower Sniffing, Animal Kissing, Earth Loving, Dirt Worshipper...and Proud of it! lol...I'm a busy Lady! I live in a small home that I call MoonHaven in NY state where I strive to live Simply, Naturally, Intentionally, and from my Heart. I am on a lifetime learning journey. I love to share what I learn. Come on in and have a cup of tea or coffee with me! Life is GOOD! And it is only getting BETTER!