The Official On Point Preparedness Rumble Account


Statement of beliefs: The purpose for which On Point Preparedness LLC was formed is for the transaction of any and all lawful purposes for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the state of Ohio. Specifically, On Point Preparedness is a Christian Ministry (not affiliated with 501c3) with a primary purpose of online Christian Apologetics. Secondarily, On Point Preparedness shares opinions on various worldly issues as well as topics related to the outdoors. The views, opinions and theological criticisms expressed @ On Point Preparedness are made solely under the single-member LLC. Any content provided is of opinion and not intended to malign or profit from any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual name, etc. All opinions are through the lens of the Christian faith and are in good faith, relying on exegesis of the inspired Word of God contained in the sacred scriptures.

Prepare For The Apocalypse


Non-Anonymous Charity (channels) . . (sub-channels on rumble) . telegram . . HS inspired worship videos and Scripture/Messages . The Revelation of Jesus Christ **fully animated** (James Earl Jones narration KJV) Tribulation Tracks - (life-changing songs in END TIMES) Serj Tankian, Chris Cornell, Daron Malakian - Album 666 Songs - Album Last Call - Album Jesus Christ's/Tribulation Saint's victory over satan/antichrist explained through movies The Most Powerful Hell Fire Sermon - Pastor Charles Lawson . . MP3 format - zip collection downloads of this content available here . audio - For the Tribulation Saints MP3 songs only, 54 songs total (entire collection of Tribulation themed worship songs from channel) audio - Who Is The Antichrist 8 Part Series Complete MP 3 Only ( Non Anonymous Charity)

Prepare For Plan B 2021


Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to be informed with Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Ron Paul,Jim Willie,Paul Craig Roberts, and arguments many specialists about... SUBSCRIBE for Latest on FINANCIAL CRISIS / COLLAPSE / OIL PRICE / GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / AGENDA 21 / DOLLAR COLLAPSE / GOLD / SILVER / BITCOIN / GLOBAL RESET / NEW WORLD ORDER / ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / POLITICAL - GEOPOLITICAL NEWS / just follow us in this channel..

Preparation for The Endtimes series


WARNING TO HUMANITY! This series is an exclusive look into all the apocalyptic plots that The New World Order intends to carry out. Im redoing the series with audio voiceover as requested. The new versions are more professional and the clues clearer. They are the ones that say”w/audio”.. The only other people that have this research are governments, think tanks and specialized organizations - and none of them are making it public because they don't think you can handle it. This is a life-saving and life-changing journey down the rabbit hole. Based on decades of corroborated research, confirmed by scholars, researchers, academicians, insiders, whistleblowers and others. This is a scholarly work that will provide the hints and clues for you to put together yourselves. Originally had hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube before they banned it for "containing sensitive information." Series playlist: "This is the real X-FIles." Watch from the beginning in numerical sequence in order to understand its implications and fully apprehend the plots of the endgame. And please watch these episodes over and over to gather the clues. I encoded all the secrets and machinations of the apocalypse in this series for the wise to understand. The exoteric message is clear for everyone, but there are deeper levels to it, esp. for those who have done research into some of these topic. For the others, I recommend you investigate into the topics addressed here in order to "see" and "perceive" the reality of what I am saying, and its veracity. Most of it should resonate truth in you anyway to begin with. But confirm the research yourself by looking into it. And please support the effort by liking each video and subscribing with notifications at the very least. But if you can also spread the word, that's even better. This may be the most important documentary you will ever watch. It is based on 26 years of research that has been corroborated by the top experts of the fields of each respective topic discussed in the series, and more. Moreover, they are in line with what the dark occultists say about their beliefs and agendas themselves (it is very much an open conspiracy), and also aligned with all world prophecies as well as other ancient and esoteric texts. It is also the findings of major governments, think tanks, specialized organizations and related research institutions as well. Whether its insiders, researchers, scholars, academicians, political analysts, whistleblowers, ancient texts, mythologies, religious scriptures, world prophecies, occult books and every other kind of expert referenced, they are all saying the same narrative of the Last Days. Please help spread The Word to those you know as well as on social media if you can. "Over several decades of research, I uncovered the entire endgame apocalyptic conspiracy, including that of The Anti-Christ Dajjal and Gog & Magog (Ya'juj wa Ma'juj) as well as the impending, premeditated alien invasions which shall be part-real, part-simulated." This, the alien colonization, alien/human and jinn/human hybrids, the interbred elite and each and every aspect of the deep state is revealed carefully throughout the series. I suggest you watch the episodes over and over in order gather the clues to the endgame mystery. Nothing that is put in the series is accidental. There is a reason for everything. This is the only place where you will get the full picture of the apocalypse, the endgame conspiracy and the alien agendas. Exclusively found here. WARNING TO HUMANITY! This series is an exclusive look into all the apocalyptic plots that The New World Order intends to carry out. The only other people that have this research are governments, think tanks and specialized organizations - and none of them are making it public because they don't think you can handle it. This is a life-saving and life-changing journey down the rabbit hole. Based on decades of corroborated research, confirmed by scholars, researchers, academicians, insiders, whistleblowers and others. This is a scholarly work that will provide the hints and clues for you to put together yourselves. Series playlist: "This is the real X-FIles." Watch from the beginning in numerical sequence in order to fully understand its implications and apprehend the plots of the endgame. And please watch these episodes over and over to gather the clues. I encoded all the secrets and machinations of the apocalypse in this series for the wise to understand. The exoteric message is clear for everyone, but there are deeper levels to it, esp. for those who have done research into some of these topic. For the others, I recommend you investigate into the topics addressed here in order to "see" and "perceive" the reality of what I am saying, and its veracity. Most of it should resonate truth in you anyway to begin with. But confirm the research yourself by looking into it. And please support the effort by liking each video and subscribing with notifications at the very least. But if you can also spread the word, that's even better. This may be the most important documentary you will ever watch. It is based on 26 years of research that has been corroborated by the top experts of the fields of each respective topic discussed in the series, and more. Moreover, they are in line with what the dark occultists say about their beliefs and agendas themselves (it is very much an open conspiracy), and also aligned with all world prophecies as well as other ancient and esoteric texts. It is also the findings of major governments, think tanks, specialized organizations and related research institutions as well. Whether its insiders, researchers, scholars, academicians, political analysts, whistleblowers, ancient texts, mythologies, religious scriptures, world prophecies, occult books and every other kind of expert referenced, they are all saying the same narrative of the Last Days. Please help spread The Word to those you know as well as on social media if you can. "Over several decades of research, I uncovered the entire endgame apocalyptic conspiracy, including that of The Anti-Christ Dajjal and Gog & Magog (Ya'juj wa Ma'juj) as well as the impending, premeditated alien invasions which shall be part-real, part-simulated." This, the alien colonization, alien/human and jinn/human hybrids, the interbred elite and each and every aspect of the deep state is revealed carefully throughout the series. I suggest you watch the episodes over and over in order gather the clues to the endgame mystery. Nothing that is put in the series is accidental. There is a reason for everything. This is the only place where you will get the full picture of the apocalypse, the endgame conspiracy and the alien agendas. Exclusively found here.

Are You Prepared? Jesus Is Coming Soon


“But about that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Interestingly, the disciples asked Jesus the same question just before He returned to heaven. At that time, Jesus told them it was not for them to know the times or seasons which are in the Father’s authority. Mark 13:32 if you haven't received Jesus, Pray this prayer. "Lord Jesus, I come before you, I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me All my sins that I committed in my life, please wash me with your blood that was shed on the cross for me. I confess with my mouth that JESUS is the Lord and Savior of my life from now on and forever I will serve you. Thank you for forgiving me and saving me in the Name of Jesus Christ AmenRead The Bible Daily And find a church near your areaGod Bless You. John 1: 12-14 1 Corinthians 13-14 Luke 5: 32

Prepared Airman official


This ls a channel based all on my current knowledge, my opinion and of my hobbies. Mainly outdoor equipment military gear and cars.This experience comes from 10 years of Active duty with several deployments, Eagle Scout with 11 years of Scouting. Along with years of hunting and fishing. Dont expect hard core super professional videos here I am just wanting to educate and have fun. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. Application ID is #1210553.

Practical Preparedness


There are things we can do now to prepare ourselves for future disasters and hardships. From a local storm taking out an electrical line, to natural disasters, pandemics, or worse, we can learn the knowledge and skills to better prepare ourselves, and our loved ones, in the unfortunate event that catastrophe strikes. This channel's purpose is to share what I have learned from my preparedness journey, to grow as a community, and exchange knowledge and skills with anyone willing to join me. By learning survival basics, bushcraft skills, and the gear you can supplement these with, you greatly improve your ability to thrive when faced with hard times. You don't need to live in fear of the unknown. Take time in the present to prepare.

Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft


"Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos... Prepara-te ! ® " Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft é um projecto criado por Ricardo Marreiros e que visa fomentar nos cidadãos o interesse pela resiliência e independência de cada um no que concerne à sobrevivência, auto-suficiência e à Protecção Civil, bem como o interesse pelas actividades lúdicas de interacção com e exploração da Natureza conhecidas como Bushcraft ou Artes do Mato. Sobrevivência, Preparação e Bushcraft são na verdade actividades distintas, mas cujos caminhos muitas vezes se cruzam e complementam. O lema deste projecto é : “Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos. Prepara-te !© De facto, no que toca a ocorrências súbitas ou mais previsíveis, provocadas pela Natureza ou pelo próprio Homem nunca é bom sermos apanhados desprevenidos.

Prepared Warriors


We Spiritually Prepare for Life and Eternity with simple regular training in the WORD - WORSHIP - PRAYER for powerful sustaining results. We actively employ the armor of God to defend ourselves, our families, and our territory against the enemy’s schemes. We fight back, never surrender, never retreat, and NEVER GIVE UP! “…If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Lord prepare us for the spiritual warfare in the days to come. “… the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13