Radiation Matters


Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz, All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.. Nikola Tesla If you want to support my work from the heart: http://paypal.me/RadiationMatters and thank you

Chacote Outdoor Recreation


Yes it is muzzle loading, but it comes with so much more, good people good times, family fun and memories, a deep connection to our history, an unbridled love and respect for those who shouldered these arms before us and pioneered and settled the vast wilderness that would become America, the crack of a percussion cap, the sparks flying off a frizzen and the unique smell of black powder in the air, it all comes together to form memories that can only be experienced and not easily explained, but once you feel it, it will become a part of you. A wise man once said that you are merely the sum of your life's experiences, don't miss this experience for yourself or those you love.

ArionFergusonTV - Vlogs - Outdoor Recreation - Reviews


Description Hello my name is Arion Ferguson All my life I have Loved the natural wild things about life, i’ve always loved to create videos and shoot photos. I love going on adventures and making memorable moments with friends and behind the camera with the audience, I hope one day I am able to help others throughout my videos and inspire people to get out and live free and happy and see the other things in life. To have adventures and to push the limits of our minds, ArionFergusonTV is more than just a video website or a channel it is the core of my spirt and my love for my fans and the natural wild world of the woods and the rivers and lakes. Enjoy life. Get outside. Make Friends. Make Memories. Create yourself and find your true self in the wild! #ArionFergusonTV #Outdoors My Good Friends That USED TO Help Me : Daniel Roberson , Austin Futch and sometimes Homeless Luke



Like & Subscribe for Enlighten your inner soul with the verses of Holy Quran. Listening and reciting Holy Quran is not been an issue anymore, with the advent of Quran Channel, The Muslim online users all over the world can now dedicate hours to read and understand Holy Quran. Listen to the recitation of Holy Quran videos in Arabic along with English translations to comprehend the meanings. The channel is the best source of religious information based on Holy Quran. You can facilitate from the videos of Quran anytime or anywhere you feel like. The channel gives you comprehensive information about daily life issues in the light of Holy Quran.

Quran Recitation with scrolling text & more


Welcome to “Quran Recitation with scrolling text” Channel – The Home of Beautiful Quran Recitations. Experience the beauty of the Holy Quran through scrolling Quran recitation with HD Arabic text and color-coded Tajweed text. Our videos feature the best Quran recitations with scrolling text, making it easier to read along and immerse yourself in the divine words. What You’ll Find Here: • Quran scrolling recitation with clear and elegant Arabic text. • Scrolling Quran Tilawat with color-coded Tajweed text for better pronunciation. • Beautiful Quran recitations by renowned Qaris like Khalifa Tunaiji & Ahmed Muhammad Amer. • All 114 Chapters of the Quran Al-Kareem. • High-quality Quran recitation videos to soothe your soul Subscribe now and let the words of the Quran bring peace and guidance to your heart. Ameen مرحبًا بكم في قناة "تلاوة القرآن مع النص المتحرك" – موطن التلاوات القرآنية الجميلة. ✨ استمتعوا بجمال القرآن الكريم من خلال تلاوة القرآن مع نص عربي بجودة HD ونص تجويد ملوّن. تقدم مقاطع الفيديو لدينا أفضل تلاوات القرآن مع نص متحرك، مما يسهل عليكم المتابعة والتدبر في كلام الله تعالى. 📖 ما الذي ستجدونه هنا؟ ✔️ تلاوة القرآن المتحركة بنص عربي واضح وأنيق. ✔️ تلاوة القرآن المتحركة مع نص تجويد ملوّن لتحسين النطق والتلاوة. ✔️ تلاوات قرآنية رائعة بأصوات قراء مشهورين مثل الخليفة الطنيجي وأحمد محمد عامر. ✔️ جميع سور القرآن الكريم الـ 114 متاحة للاستماع والتدبر. ✔️ مقاطع فيديو عالية الجودة لتلاوة القرآن تهدئ القلب وتبعث الطمأنينة. 📢 اشترك الآن ودع كلمات القرآن تنير قلبك بالسلام والهداية. آمين 🤲💖 🌟 Check Out My Other Channels! 🌟 I have four more channels dedicated to the authentic hadiths and life lessons of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, available in both English and Arabic without repetition. 📌 English Channels: 1: Life Quotes of the Prophet ﷺ – Inspirational sayings and wisdom. 🔗 https://rumble.com/c/c-7670034 2: Gems of the Last Prophet ﷺ – Authentic hadiths from the Prophet. 🔗 https://rumble.com/c/c-7670036 📌 Arabic Channels: 3: Life Quotes of the Prophet ﷺ (اِقْتِبَاسَاتٌ مِنْ حَيَاةِ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ) – Prophet’s wisdom in Arabic. 🔗 https://rumble.com/c/c-7670042 4: Gems of the Last Prophet ﷺ (جَوَاهِرُ آخِرِ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ) – Authentic hadiths in Arabic. 🔗 https://rumble.com/c/c-7670046 🔔 Subscribe and explore the wisdom of the Prophet ﷺ in both languages!

stay informed on 5G, EMF radiation, and frequency technology for a safeguarded and healthier lifestyle with the latest facts and updates.


keeping you informed about the latest facts and updates on 5G, EMF radiation, and frequency technology. Stay tuned for insightful content that empowers you to lead a protected and healthier life. Join us on this journey of knowledge as we explore the intersections of technology and well-being, providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions for a safer and more balanced lifestyle. Subscribe now for a deeper understanding of 5G and EMF, and let's navigate the world of emerging technologies together!

Quran Learning & Recitation


Quran TV is very informative. It is the best channel to listen to Quran and its tafseer. since it is the most comprehensive book descended upon us by our Creater, it holds all the secrets of life, death, and afterlife. the only way to find peace is Quran.The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance for humankind (2:185). It sometimes offers detailed accounts of specific historical events, and it often emphasizes the moral significance of an event over its narrative sequence.The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance for humankind (2:185). It sometimes offers detailed accounts of specific historical events, and it often emphasizes the moral significance of an event over its narrative sequence.Quran TV is very informative. It is the best channel to listen to Quran and its tafseer. since it is the most comprehensive book descended upon us by our Creater, it holds all the secrets of life, death, and afterlife. the only way to find peace is Quran.

The Holy Quran


"The Holy Quran, regarded as the divine guidance for humanity, encompasses timeless wisdom, guidance, and spiritual enlightenment. Our channel is dedicated to sharing the sublime recitations of this sacred text by renowned Qaris, fostering a deeper connection with its profound teachings. Immerse yourself in the melodious verses, explore its profound meanings, and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and understanding. Join our community devoted to spreading the universal message of peace, compassion, and unity encapsulated within the unparalleled beauty of the Quran. Let the divine words of the Quran illuminate your path towards enlightenment and inner peace."

Gaijin Animation Appreciation Hour


Welcome friends to the Gaijin Animation Appreciation Hour! We are your hosts Sig Bisley and Colt Mauser. What is the channel about you ask? Here we will, together, appreciate anime in all its many splendid forms. We’ll even appreciate things other than anime, but only when the mood is right. Our purpose here is to bring all of you much needed water in the entertainment desert we find ourselves in today. There may be thousands of things to watch on the various streaming services, but unfortunately most of it is nothing more than poorly written, agenda driven swill, that you will be assured is the finest sake. Well, no more my friends. Here we will offer you cup after cup of pure entertainment, with a combination of interesting concepts mixed with a double shot of ultra violence and a liberal application of “fan service”. Please enjoy.