

Welcome to Reapers Horror, a channel devoted to bringing you the stuff nightmares are made of! Here you will find blood-curdling horror narrations and scary stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. What sets the channel apart from the rest? It's not just a commitment to delivering hair-raising content; it's a passion for storytelling. Delve deep into the realms of the macabre, and experience captivating tales that will haunt your dreams. 💀What to Expect💀 Terrifying Tales: From classics told in new and unique ways, to completely original narratives, delve deep into unimaginable horrors that will leave you trembling with fear. Haunting Narrations: Reaper, and his friends, will guide you through the darkest recesses of these stories with their chilling voices and impeccable storytelling skills. Bizarre Extras: You’ll get more than just frightening tales, but also ghoulish originals you won’t find anywhere else. If it’s creepy or weird this is the place to find it.



DOWNLOAD my regularly updated ZON FILE + The FXZone Templates from the first two fxzone videos. This folder contains my newest CSI zon.+ The Compressor FXZone files, shown in these videos: This NEW channel, began in November 2020 and will build a library of videos containing many aspects of reaper use/modification, NOT mixing techniques etc, this will be focused on "workflow" - hotkeys/contextual toolbars/fast mix navigation/modifying/ programming reaper - Mouse/keyboard/midi.csi - can all be combined to make a fast, usable workflow!! Quickly implement your most complex or persistent commands - either via hotkeys, mid controllers, CSI controllers, or the mouse. Making mixing the focus and adding easy "moves" to speed the whole process up :)

Tiempo de la Verdad


Seguimos las pistas que nos deja Q y nos mantenemos informados. Somos un canal independiente que se sostiene por la audiencia. Es nuestro mayor deseo seguir presentando esta información, es nuestro honor y placer. Si desea apoyar ese canal, en la parte de abajo encontraras el link para patrocinarnos. Su contribución es de gran aprecio y ayuda para poder continuar en esta tarea de mantener la información de estos eventos tan vitales en nuestro tiempo y para nuestra generación. Ustedes son el motivo que nos impulsa. Muchas gracias.



Better Than Yesterday These three words encompass what we follow out in our everyday lives, to strive to be better than the day before, and we believe this philosophy is of value for all people to integrate into their own lives. This spans into all aspects of life including investment and self development, two areas that this channel will focus on. This channel is started by Michael Janse van Rensburg and Daniel Hammond as we embark on our own journey of growth from are homes, South Africa and Namibia, and aim to help and educate as many others as we can through the use of this Channel - Better Than Yesterday.