Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems


Olá, meu nome é Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu escrevo e posto vídeos das minhas frases e poesias em 2 línguas, todos são de minha própria autoria!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nAlém do jornal engraçado do gato tom: Extra! Extra! e outros quadros de humor!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFaço as vozes dos gatinhos falantes sem nenhuma edição!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSem contar que eu ainda desenho as capas dos vídeos e os meus designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu não copio frases, poemas ou mensagens de outros!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSupport the channel on Patreon - Ajude o canal pelo Patreon!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nHi there, my name is Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI write and upload videos of my quotes and poetry in 2 language, all are from my own authorship!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI make the talking kittens voice without editing!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWithout mention I still draw the videos covers and my designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI do not copy quotes, poems and messages from others!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nQuer ajudar o canal pelo Patreon, adquirir os produtos exclusivos do canal com os meus designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nme seguir nas redes sociais, saber onde estou nas outras plataformas, e muito mais?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisite o Blog do canal Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWant to help the channel on Patreon, acquire the exclusive channel products with my designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nfollow me on social networks, know where I am on other platforms, and more?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisit the Blog of the channel Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBlog:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSe inscreva no canal e ative o sininho, deixe o seu rumble e compartilhe os vídeos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSubcribe to the channel turn on notifications, leave your rumble and share the videos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n#FePQaP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFrases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEscrito por - Written By: Pericles A.(Myself)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nCopyright © All rights reserved.

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