Part Of The Problem


Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in Politics three times a week, with the promise of bonus episodes! Libertarian Philosophy mixed with a sense of humor, POTP is one of the leading voices in libertarianism. Dave Smith is a New York based stand-up comedian, radio personality, and political commentator. Dave can be seen regularly on “The Greg Gutfeld Show” and “Red Eye” on Fox News, as well as “Kennedy” on Fox Business Network. In 2013 Dave was featured as one of the New Faces at the prestigious Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal. He was also a featured performer on the New York Comedy Festival’s “New York’s Funniest” showcase in 2014 and 2015. Dave's outlet for his social commentary is his podcast, “Part of the Problem,” which is available on iTunes. Dave is also co-host of “The Legion of Skanks” podcast, available on the GaS Digital Network.

The Problem With Being Awake Verified


I've lived in slums worldwide, including Brazilian favelas, where I faced brutal attacks due to my skin colour despite my own colour blindness. In 2020, a severe assault forced my retirement from clinical psychotherapy, leaving me with a slight speech impediment noticeable in my videos. (if you notice any slur, that is why) Post-retirement, I've dedicated myself to journalism and content creation, vowing like Elon Musk to combat wokeness infiltrating society and government. A staunch Trump supporter, I fear a Harris presidency could signal Western civilization's decline. I advocate for peace, opposing movements towards WWIII, and stand against radical left ideologies like Wokeness, including the teaching of transgenderism, Queery Theory, DEI and CRT in Education & It's presence in Business and Government. I champion free speech, common sense, and traditional values. Currently self-funded, I'm expanding my platform. Hope you enjoy my channel. Ben Wilson-Smith

Part of the Problem Dave Smith ✅


Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in Politics three times a week, with the promise of bonus episodes! Libertarian Philosophy mixed with a sense of humor, POTP is one of the leading voices in libertarianism. Dave Smith is a New York based stand-up comedian, radio personality, and political commentator. Dave can be seen regularly on “The Greg Gutfeld Show” and “Red Eye” on Fox News, as well as “Kennedy” on Fox Business Network. In 2013 Dave was featured as one of the New Faces at the prestigious Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal. He was also a featured performer on the New York Comedy Festival’s “New York’s Funniest” showcase in 2014 and 2015. Dave's outlet for his social commentary is his podcast, “Part of the Problem,” which is available on iTunes. Dave is also co-host of “The Legion of Skanks” podcast, available on the GaS Digital Network.



En este canal iremos alojando los programas de nuestros directos nocturnos habituales. La Quinta Columna es un espacio para el libre pensamiento ... Un espacio para la investigación, análisis, ciencia, opinión, entrevistas de toda la actualidad .. En esta comunidad tienen cabida todas aquellas personas interesadas tanto en los temas actuales, como en una visión alternativa de la realidad que nos ofrecen los MASS MEDIA ... Somos un canal en continua expansión y crecimiento .. Un canal dinámico y abierto a todas las hipótesis para encontrar explicación plausible a la mayoría de fenómenos que tienen lugar en nuestra Sociedad usando como arma principal el método científico, pero no obviando otras hipótesis e ideas propias del PENSAMIENTO LIBRE ... Entra ya a formar parte de nuestra Comunidad y aporta con tus comentarios .. Tu opinión nos importa .. TE ESPERAMOS!!

Mo' Boxing, No Problem


Mo' Boxing, No Problem is a channel created by Jose Manjarrez Jr. to bring you pre-fight breakdowns and post-fight discussions around the biggest fights in boxing. Alongside cohosts Ezequiel Ruiz Anguiano and David Sanchez Toscano, the channel will also feature interviews with pro boxers, coaches, ring announcers, and many more prominent figures in the world of boxing. New content drops weekly. If you are interested in being featured on the channel or would like to collab on a project, feel free to email to set something up. Don't forget to follow and if you like the videos, share them!

Programa de Humanidades


Me dedico a la profunda reflexión e introspección humana. Mi propósito es dar a conocer tendencias de pensamiento populares, pero sobre todo, nuevas alternativas para ser y estar en el mundo. Maneras que facilitan la plenitud del ser humano, cuyos atributos cósmicos son ignorados por el Sistema que organiza la vida en la Tierra. La dinámica de la espiritualidad creativa de aplicación práctica, sirve para llegar más lejos que la filosofía, más adentro que el intelectual que olvida el alma y, también, más allá de los resultados del coach de crecimiento personal que promueve recetas difíciles de acomodarse en lo cotidiano. Ojalá sea capaz de inspirar. Propongo la vibración de la energía, la expansión de consciencia del mundo saludable y pacífico que sólo es posible desde la cooperación y los principios humanistas. Además de estimular, debo provocar desafíos. NOTA: Las ideas expuestas y todas las opiniones, no representan a ninguna ideología o institución o forma de gobierno.