All The Honest News Fit To Publish

3,940 Followers has become the website where intelligent, free thinkers seeking the truth obtain independent articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music. Every week I publish and archive more than one hundred posts on the most crucial issues facing humanity. To expose and overcome the satanic forces, we must come together and defend freedom of speech, so please share and support Thank you, Mark R. Elsis, now in my 28th year publishing honest and independent news online.

HTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse


Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Issues Video-Channel - Religious Education & Contemporary Challenges And Issues Video-Channels: The Holy Trinity Romanian American Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, in its quest of helping its faithful, and other interested people, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, in learning and growing more in the Orthodox Faith, its Liturgical practices, and Contemporary Challenges and Issues in Today’s post-Christian Society, the Parish Office established two (2) platforms on the RUMBLE social networks: 1). Religious Education Video-Channel - 2). Contemporary Issues Video-Channel - *** 1A. First Channel [Religious Education Video-Channel] is dedicated to showcasing the Orthodox faith by presenting interviews and sermons of orthodox hierarchs, priests, monks and various theologians, from around the world, on interesting contemporary matters and topics, on church related themes: History & Teachings of the Church, Religious Education, Sermons, Bible Study, Sunday Schools & Retreats, etc. 2A. Second Channel [Contemporary Issues Video-Channel] contains video-documentaries and Testimonials dealing, among others, with the following themes: • Today’s Society Contemporary Challenges and Issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art. • Contemporary moral issues related to the lack of peace and harmony, decrease in trust, an increase in crime and unethical behavior, murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, sexual morality, genetic engineering, economic inequality, global warming, welfare and social justice and a breakdown of social cohesion. • Contemporary Ethical issues: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Each person has the right to make its own decisions based on its own beliefs and values. These issues, addressed above, and many more, are influencing religious identity and authority; the personal and the private; marriage and family; influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources; the quality and value of life; questions of right and wrong; equality and difference; conflict and violence and global issues. *** ENGLISH CHANNELS Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Challenges and Issues - Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - ROMANIAN CHANNELS Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: *** Disclaimer: The above-stated Channels belong to the Holy Trinity Romanian American Orthodox Church (, a parish under the “The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas” ( If you have questions and/or suggestions, please contact the administrator of this platform, Father Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:] !!! Subscribe to these channels to receive future updates and new posts. Yours in Christ (Fr. Constantin Alecse)

AdultBrain Audiobook Publishing. Bringing Rare and Forgotten Books to Audio for the World Verified


Hello. Hey, Welcome to Adult audiobook publishing. Thanks for stopping by. We bring rare and forgotten audio books to the world. Books on Theosophy, Spiritualism, History, Political Philosophy, Forteana, Secret Societies, Magic, Occultism, Mystery Schools, Mythology, Ancient Wisdom, Religion. We'll be highlighting on this channel some very interesting audiobooks. Sometimes it can only be a sample, but when possible we will share the whole book. And hopefully we can find some other creative ways on this channel to bring you some interesting audiobook content. These are just some of the great authors we have now on audio.... H.G. Wells, Manly P. Hall, Charles Fort, Madame Blavatsky , Annie Besant, Henry Cornelius Agrippa Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles William Heckethorn, Alfred Russel Wallace, John Yarker , Francis Bacon, Rudolph Steiner, Bertrand Russel , Cotton Mather, Joseph Ennemoser, John Robison, A.P. Sinnett, George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Sanger, Professor Ted You can find all of our books at and for the full versions you can go straight to Audible or Itunes/Apple Books. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and comment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn Polish


I am Irish living in Lodz, Poland since 2007. I tried hard to learn Polish but found it very difficult. Therefore I am the Student in this Podcast. I believe the best way to learn is when you are enjoying it. We have kept the Episodes fun and short 5-10mins. We try to cover everyday topics to allow you to have a decent conversation. Kamila is a qualified teacher and owner of Polonus school. She prepares graphics so that our listeners can also view on our YouTube & Bitchute Channels. We hope you enjoy our Podcast.

Eagles and Dragons Publishing


Eagles and Dragons Publishing is an independent publishing company based in Stratford, Ontario, Canada and our goal is this: To bring the ancient and medieval worlds to life through high-quality historical fiction/fantasy, non-fiction, video tours and more. At Eagles and Dragons Publishing, we believe that history can be exciting, accessible, and above all entertaining. Our books and stories are not intended to bore readers. They are intended to grab you by both wrists and throw you headlong into the terrible beauty of the past. And with our Rumble and YouTube channels, we want to introduce viewers to the real-life places that are featured in our books, places of history, myth and legend. We hope you'll join us for an exciting future as we bring the past to life!

Polish Custom Knives


Polish Custom Knives is a place, where you can find knives from our polish craftsmen. We are happy to have presented our wide range of products, which are targeted towards everyone, who treasures solid craftsmanship and applied art. Knives, which you are presented with, come from the hands of people with passion, who are in this profession for years, but also those, who are only beginning their adventure on the path. This translates into the uniqueness of each of the products, which carry the marks of their makers. We can assure you in one thing-- each piece which reaches your hand, is a sign of passion and commitment, connected with a high quality material, made not only to make you happy with its utility, but also with its beauty. Please enjoy your shopping, and we stay at your service at all times. Polish Custom Knives Team



NOTE: ALL the content on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only and should NOT be taken as law, business, investment advice. It does NOT constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase any investment or a recommendation to buy or sell a security. In fact, the content is not directed to any investor or potential investor and may not be used to evaluate or make any investment. Investing and trading is a high risk activity and should be approached with caution. I am not a certified financial advisor.

Dynamic Strike: Polish Power in Action


Oto sugestia opisu dla kanału "Dynamiczne Uderzenie": "Witaj na kanale Dynamiczne Uderzenie! Tutaj odkryjesz pasję, moc i niesamowitą energię polskiego rumble. Przeniknij w świat dynamicznych zmagań, intensywnych treningów i ekscytujących walk, gdzie siła i technika spotykają się w harmonijnym tańcu na ringu. Razem wkroczymy w świat nieustającej determinacji i woli walki, podziwiając polskich wojowników, którzy rozbudzają w naszą duszę prawdziwe emocje. Dołącz do naszej społeczności i bądź częścią tego niesamowitego doświadczenia rumble!"