

First let me tell you who i am: I Am Faoplich or Lichfaop, Im 17 and i am A Intresting person who does alot of stuff, I Stream and upload games and stuff, Ima Join Power slap in the future and ima be the Future Middleweight or Light-Heavyweight Champion of Power Slap! This Is My Main Rumble Channel The Official Faoplich Rumble Channel and I Stream on here A lot and i Sometimes Upload on here as well. Here's my Linktree with all my links to Other Sites and Places im On: https://linktr.ee/faoplich Heres the Guilded Server!: https://www.guilded.gg/i/EoVV8rPp

Lost in Plot Verified


Welcome to Lost in Plot, the channel where we break down story first across film, television, video games, comics -- pretty much anything with a story. This is where you can get our always honest opinions with a little extra analysis and wit as we discuss our favorite (and least favorite) narratives both current and past. We hope you'll pull up a chair and get lost with us for awhile as we release regular videos at least once a week. Genuine voices matter and we'd love it if you drop us a line. "Okay, ramblers, let's get ramblin'!" - Jake & Wade